
I deleted a thread bc it qt something that I felt wasn’t precise enough & w/this stuff precision matters. But yeah antisemitism & criticism of Israel are two totally separate topics, lotta Jews (incl Jewish Israelis) have been protesting Occupation and more for decades, & many Christian Zionists +
pushing the antisemitism bill are hoping to get all the Jews out of the US and back to the Holy Land to start the war of Gog and Magog with the Muslim world, go up in flames in the process and bring Jesus back. So. Yeah.
Some people use their antizionism as a cover for antisemitism. Some antizionists are not, do not. Some Zionists are antisemitic. Many Jews critique the actions of the Israeli government from a place of Jewish values.
Jews are not a country. Jews are definitely not its government. There’s an autocrat w/ a 15% approval rating whose Hague invite will be well-earned and the genocidal theocrats he got in bed with, whose party was banned from ruling since the 80’s until the autocrat took them out to keep him in power.
I don’t think people get how bad it is. Bibi’s been PM since 2009 (minus a hiccup ‘21-22), was also PM 96-99, leader of the opposition ’06-09 & ‘93-96. Those judicial reforms he was shoving through’d vanish his legal troubles & gut civil rights. I’m not sure how getting him out of power will go?
Yeah, as an American Jew who doesn't really follow Israeli politics, Netanyahu is a name I've known since I was a little kid. That's what kind of situation we're dealing with. I wish more people understood that.
As an anti-Zionist Jew I need to make clear my problem is not with Netanyahu but with Israel. I refuse to differentiate the government from the people who elect it or who at least support its Gaza invasion. I reject IHRA because it demonizes calling Israel a racist endeavor, which it always was.
I have long believed that the Israeli left, such as it is, holds the key to getting us out of this nightmare. Without an organized and activist internal resistance there is literally no hope.
The citizens there kept electing him, they bear some responsibility as well. It's not like he went rogue, this is just a slightly worse version of the guy they approved of for a long time.
And this is the same guy pushing through the judicial reforms that gut the judiciary and myriad civil rights despite 40 weeks of protests. You think he’s going quietly? Especially with indictments waiting for him on the other side?
Oh no, absolutely not. His self-interest has wildly diverged from his country's, and that's had catastrophic results. My point was that this version of him is a difference of degree not kind with the prior one, and his citizens kept rewarding him with power. They bear some responsibility for that.
The Israeli PM is not an elected position like the US presidency.
Ok, they voted Likud, which he heads.
Fewer and fewer each time. He and Likud weren't all that popular even pre-10/7, now he's the most hated politician in Israel. The thing is that Israeli politics is hyper-dysfunctional, and the most recent attempt to fix it made it worse instead.
Perhaps you could explain what this "bearing some responsibility" looks like.
I've seen a decent amount of stories/commentary framing the issue in a way that puts all responsibility for what Israel is doing to Gaza on Netanyahu. I disagree with that. I think the nation itself is at fault, not just him. Similar to how the US is responsible for what we did in Iraq, not just W.
So you can't actually actually articulate what that would look like? Because from where I'm sitting "hold Israel's civilians responsible" sounds . . . well, really bad actually.
Probably better than getting Trump out the first time, if only because he is less popular and there's a much larger segment of Israeli society who would gladly [REDACTED] him.
Many Jews have never been over there in our lives and have no plans to do so, our homes, our lives, our everything, is in the country we currently live in, that is where we belong
Can he just stay PM forever?? Are elections going to happen?
I would argue all Zionists are antisemitic by virtue of being Zionists.