Daily Paris Hilton Defender

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Daily Paris Hilton Defender


I just don’t know if I have the capacity to be clever on the internet anymore.
An open kitchen concept is an affront to kitchen staff. Let them swear and threaten the guests in peace like god intended.
Not to be old about it but everyone in this bar is very young.
I am ‘excited to get texts from my preferred dental floss company’ years old.
Come on Mitch! Don’t let her hog the spotlight.
Finally occurred to me to put my newsletter link in my bio. Stone Soup features essays, recipes, and guest features from truly incredible writers. It's also the spot where I share what I'm reading and highlight upcoming new releases. god help me I really love the damn thing and maybe you will too
Stone Soupstone-soup.ghost.io A newsletter by Sarah Gailey about the things we share. Come join in.
Can’t stop thinking about Shark Heart by Emily Habeck. What a weird premise and what a beautiful book! She doesn’t waste time trying to sell you on the premise, just immerses you in the journey.
Today’s vacation book is While I Wait To Be A God Again by @headonfirepod.bsky.social Poetry I want to gulp down so it can burn inside of me, but I’m trying to make it last, so that I can really savor each one.
Sat here and cried about friendships thanks to @thatames.bsky.social and her book For Her Consideration.
There are a lot of great places to be tipsy and most of them are near water.
Y’all ever think about what the Lord of Rings films would have been like if Gandalf swore like a gangster in a Guy Ritchie film?
What does anyone have to say that’s so important they have to say it on public transit?
Hi, I’m with @mattybsads.bsky.social @therajill.bsky.social at Philadelphia Distillery, learning about cocktails, and half of one drink in, I’m already buzzed and posting from the bathroom.
Walked past a bar just in time to hear a man say ‘You’re out here every day defending Paris Hilton!’ What a life.
End of feed.