Gailey πŸ‰

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Gailey πŸ‰

Author / Up to no good / theythem
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This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
Tesla poisoned the groundwater in my hometown. I drive while standing atop my car like a chariot just in case I need to piss on one that's driving next to me on the freeway
Feeling down? Just think about how many Cybertrucks parked anywhere near a good bar are going to be *very* intentionally pissed on
Was on vacation last week and missed the date that it was just about 3 years ago that I got my first every story published by on Stone Soup. Fun fact: 1st draft involved a Sopranos reboot and Christopher pitching a lizard heist to Tony.
Building Beyond: Cold Hard I'll trade you five skinks for a monitor lizard.
Look, son: In this world, sometimes you just gotta take the L stair on your way to King Street πŸ‘‘
CAMP DAMASCUS is out in paperback today. LOVE IS REAL BUCKAROOS
It's been a while since I've done any Airplane Posting but this person just grabbed my arm with his toes so next time you see me I am gonna be on the news
By coincidence, I happened to pass a public restroom today:
Wanna see a graveyard?
It does please me to know that Cybertruck owners absolutely are seeing us pointing and laughing at them when they dare to drive those stupid things in the wild
Tesla poisoned the groundwater in my hometown. I drive while standing atop my car like a chariot just in case I need to piss on one that's driving next to me on the freeway
Feeling down? Just think about how many Cybertrucks parked anywhere near a good bar are going to be *very* intentionally pissed on
Feeling down? Just think about how many Cybertrucks parked anywhere near a good bar are going to be *very* intentionally pissed on
Koontz: but they're wrong! dogs solve mysteries! all the time! in real life! George Romero: ACAB includes cop dogs Poe: not now george Poe: dean's in a fragile state
Every so often someone is like β€œI can’t take all this nonstop Bluesky toxicity and drama!” And I feel like I’m in some obscure room in the tower during a palace coup, unaware, eating cakes, wondering why my valet is late(he has been harpooned by the rebels)
i have very little interest in reading anything written by a fascist because 1) they can't write for shit 2) they have no new ideas and 3) when they do write, all they do is lie anyway
I need you all to read the alt text on these photos
I opened a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread today and there is. A problem
Completely blanked the Columbus Book Festival is a month away. Checked the guest authors/events. Looking forward to seeing,,, and many more. And my 11yo is going to be psyched to get KPS signed by
what this situation needed was eye contact thank you
i should call her
I opened a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread today and there is. A problem
Looks like it was in fact cinnamon raisin nut bread
I opened a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread today and there is. A problem
We’re so close to raising $100,000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians!! Thank you to everyone who has bought the bundle and spread the word πŸ–€
TTRPGs for Palestine via itch charity bundle has officially LAUNCHED! There are 640+ TTRPGs for you to discover for a $10+ donation to Medical Aid for Palestinians! Donate here:
I cannot fully express my gratitude to for speaking truth to power in front ofβ€”indeed, directly toβ€”their peers. I have been incredibly disappointed in the speculative fiction community’s silence and equivocating over the last eight months. this was heroic. fuck fascism.
This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
β€œWe use our words and ritual gestures to imbue our modest beverages with intention and power. The drink in your hand becomes a potion that contains the qualities that matter to you, the memories that define you, the ambitions that grip you by the breastbone and yank you through your life” Must read
This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
Sarah absolutely nailed this toast. Definitely worth reading (or watching)
This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
Less than a week ago I was on a restaurant patio in Los Angeles vehemently describing my firm belief that BLTs fuck and now I suspect I was in even better company than I knew
brand new tingler BISEXUALLY SANDWICHED BY SENTIENT BACON, LETTUCE AND TOMATO is out now amazon and true buckaroo tier patreon
this is the finest artwork I have ever personally witnessed in my life. I am on the phone with the louvre and they said it's out of their league but they'll take down all the other art to make room for it anyway
I hope it’s okay, I just had to draw this.
This past weekend, I had the tremendous honor of hosting the 59th annual Nebula Awards. Everyone wanted to know, ahead of time, what I would wear. Here is the full fit breakdown, plus the full text of my opening remarks, which include a new toast for your dinner table.
The Nebula What I Said, And What I Wore
This is just beautiful. Jon Wurster has been repeatedly instructed to tell mourners at my funeral that I've been begging for death since the first ride we shared to a gig, and now have finally gotten my wish. The bar has been raised.
If you've not read Our Phil's eulogy for Scott Wampler at Fangoria yet, strap in for the wildest, most beautiful and wholly fitting farewell you are ever likely to read πŸ’™
Noted Ho Scott Wampler Once Again Bails FANGORIA EIC remembers noted ho, Scott Wampler.