
I *need* to know who said this just so I can make sure they never live it down
"Joe Biden is a zero on infrastructure" is a "Stephen Curry isn't a good shooter" level take, I cannot believe someone actually threw that out there
Helen Rosner, food correspondent of the New Yorker
I like food a LOT but have always had a slightly snobbish low opinion of ostentatious foodies. Nice to see it borne out.
I’ll come to Helen’s defense here and say that her food writing is excellent and pretty grounded considering that she covers finer dining establishments in New York City.
And apparently knows little else
I’ve noticed a lot of large non-political accounts posting almost exclusively or heavily about politics these days. I get it, it’s the thing to talk about right now, but (and this feels shitty to say) I wish they would stick to other things. We need stuff that’s not politics!
Eh, you're probably right. I'm a regular New Yorker reader. I subscribe! But I literally never read any of THOSE pieces because it's an alien world for me.
All the current events, pop culture, history and other sorts of feature writing I like! But fine arts stuff, including fine dining? Just not for me.
I used to like it in the days Before Remnick.
Fair! I like to live (dine?) vicariously, but that’s just me.
Seems Helen doesn't realize how government policy works, and that a corrupted court system screwed many things up. She wants to punish someone, but is pointing the finger at the wrong someone. You can't fix the courts without a Dem majority in congress so court judge corruption hearings can be held.