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Reposted byAvatar JayZero
I'm glad people here are finally getting it
Apparently his posts here and on X are not meant to invite discussion. We are supposed to bow down in awe of his great wisdom and not add our own thoughts.
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
These are the same people who are going to let their kids get whooping cough to own the libs.
It's hard to communicate how radical this is. For 200 years every politician in America wanted the federal government to pay for things so they could take credit for it. It's a fundamental defining feature of American politics. But now owning the libs is more important. 1/2
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
lol it’s going to be so stupid in ten years when exclusive schools for rich people brag that they use real human teachers
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Midwest folks: when’s the last time you experienced a tropical depression up there? They’re nothing scary but I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one there.
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Wait... What...? Is he...? No! Really? Well then, well played, sir!
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Guess where Your Correspondent will be on Tuesday through Thursday?
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
This may come as a surprise to some internet poisoned people, but harassing Jews does nothing to help Palestine
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
"We were somewhere around Antietam when the drugs began to take hold ..."
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
This semester I’m going to tell my students I don’t care if they use ChatGPT to write their papers, much as I don’t care if they use LSD and a ouija board write their papers. I’ll give fancy-sounding bullshit a failing grade no matter how it’s produced.
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Read this, share this widely
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Dark Biden: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
What if the Democrats stopped caring that their Presidential nominee was an unelectable disaster? The GOP did this with their candidate 8 years ago and never looked back
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Yup, some jobs hold no margin for error...
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Good morning. Like we always do about this time... briankeene.substack.com/p/letters-fr...
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Just a joke, people—let’s simmer down
Well I’m a Mexican-American and this is just a normal Saturday for me
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Gen-X is just happy no one knows about our special sekrit socks
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Now kicking around the theory that absolutely nothing matters
Biden trails Trump by just 2 points across key states, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult shows, even as three in 10 Democrats say he should leave the race trib.al/GlWZVox
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Helen Rosner
I *need* to know who said this just so I can make sure they never live it down
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
Well I’m a Mexican-American and this is just a normal Saturday for me
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
IMPORTANT: If Trump’s EC advantage is gone it means he has to win the popular vote, I’ve seen no indication that he’d be able to do that
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
No, go ahead and show me how Biden “went to bat” for Thomas by having Hill testify and voting against Thomas. Go ahead and finish that thought
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
It’s much easier to announce that you’re illiterate and/or humorless
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
It’s always fun to see a joke tweet rile up idiots, but this one surprised me. I’d always thought the Irish understood humor
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
And I so wish total strangers wouldn’t tell me how to run my social media account.
Reposted byAvatar JayZero
My apologies, I forgot my feed existed solely to reach you. Hang on, I’ll fix this.