
Right-wingers are too busy obsessing about made-up examples of gangbangers and welfare queens to see that police departments are actually full of both
“fun” fact: nypd officers often move to other places to get a second pension after working the required amount to get an nyc pension
Come into this thread with an "honest question: are these paid protestors?" line of bullshit, and I will block you so hard it'll turn your wi-fi off
There's already been one. Centrists, come get your people
You might check out my latest substack.
And the increased militarization of police in even small-town settings surely attracts a certain wannabe brown-shirt type. Just like recruits who are excited to join the military for the thrill of it, some are there for all the wrong reasons.
My senior year of high school i worked in a warehouse with a guy who was about to go to the police academy. When I asked him why he wanted to be a cop he said, and I quote, "so I can shoot n*****s." I have never forgotten that moment, how nonchalantly and gleefully he said it.
often in the US military, those recruits get separated for doing stupid stuff. dunno about police though, seems like they stick around
I think one big difference is that a lot of police departments actively recruit and select for those people, it's a feature not a bug.
Not unusual with police, even in smaller and better run departments, or in fire/EMS, or in 911 in departments that have a reasonable pension system. Also not unusual with federal employees or military folks.
Some say obsessing, some say projecting