
Almost everything I’ve seen about using “ai” to help you write essays straight up ignores the aspect of invention with writing. Simply put, writing helps you clarify what you think and leads to new insights. I remain unconvinced that generative tools are making that process “better.”
No one has satisfactorily answered the fundamental question of why I should bother to read something you couldn't be bothered to write
No good answer is forthcoming. Ever.
Always on the way, never actually arriving
that is EXACTLY what I've been saying to my students since this nonsense started last year.
How else are you going to leverage those synergies Kevin
For day-to-day stuff, the way *I* say it isn't the *only* way to say it and may not even be the *best* way to say it, but tell you what, when my predictive text starts guessing correctly what I'm going to text on the regular, then let's talk.
so you can see the numbers you get over on threads. while not being on threads. if you search threads for your name, posts come up from people expressing they miss your tweets. SWAK!
You'll send your AI bot to read it.