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Des Moines, IA.
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I have never read one of these "we need a party for the politically homeless" pieces that does not go on to straightforwardly describe Democrats.
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Again the proper response to Stephen Miller or Donald Trump or anyone claiming to not be in lockstep with Project 2025 is just to ask them “what part do you disagree with?”
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Things seem bleak but it’s probably a bad sign for Republicans that people have started mentioning their actual goals and political blueprint and their response is “how fucking dare you??”
I might add that Trump's choice of Vice President in 2016/2020 was a greater factor in signaling fealty to evangelicals than any platform plank, particularly given Trump's age. And it's about as likely that Trump will go that way as it is that Trump will pick JFK Jr. because an AI told him to.
Washington Post has more on the story first in Politico the other day about the clashes between the Christian right and the Trump campaign/RNC on platform drafting. It's getting heated, but what will it amount to? 🧵1/x
Tempers flare as Trump team revises abortion plank for Republican The former president wants the platform to endorse leaving the issue to the states rather than a federal ban in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s demise.
Trump will find it impossible to disown the SCOTUS that just gave him immunity from prosecution and which will grant him even greater power if given the chance. The best he can do is claim that everyone wanted Roe to be overturned. And the best the Rs can do for a platform is what they did in 2020.
Washington Post has more on the story first in Politico the other day about the clashes between the Christian right and the Trump campaign/RNC on platform drafting. It's getting heated, but what will it amount to? 🧵1/x
Tempers flare as Trump team revises abortion plank for Republican The former president wants the platform to endorse leaving the issue to the states rather than a federal ban in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s demise.
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/6 My grandparents didn’t whine about it. Nor, for that matter, did my college classmate who survived as a child in 1970s Cambodia by hiding in a pile of his neighbor’s bodies. So, keep calm and fight.
You know, the decision hardly covers all the wrongdoing that Donald has done in his miserable life. Perhaps there are prosecutors out there who have something in the can but figured it would be gilding the lily with all the other stuff going on. This might be a good time to let Donald have it.
I'm reminded of the point in the Ken Burns Civil War documentary where Shelby Foote of all people acknowledged that the North fought the War with one arm behind its back, and that arm would have come out if it needed to. I think about that a lot.
Shelby Foote on Union
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It's been my expressed view since 2016 that debating Trump is a category mistake. It treats him like a legitimate candidate whose words bear some relationship to his actual views and to empirical reality, and that's too much to concede to him. It gives away the game before the first pitch.
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One thing I want to flag in this for folks still unsure if they want to give 2 minutes of their life to have their anxiety soothed by this readable article: I checked the 2020 debate and was reminded Biden handled the lying issue very well.
We don't need CNN to fact check Voters who care deeply about facts are already voting for Joe Biden
All I have to add is that this dynamic eventually breaks down. Bankruptcies, broken relationships, basic reality tends to ride herd. It takes years to work itself out, and Trump himself has been running from this his entire life. There's lots of faded, tattered Trump flags out there by now though.
Enjoying all the RTs and likes on this! Would be even more awesome if folks would read it. I think you'll find it interesting, because the way this lie functions is more complicated than "Trump says it, his parrots believe it." And it's revealing.
Trump's "cocaine" chatter reveals how he controls Parroting Trump's obvious lies creates the groupthink that keeps followers from asking too many questions
Cultural Event in Madison
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Trump's race-baiting stunts, along with Byron Donalds praising Jim Crow, are framed as "Black outreach" in the press. Nah, it's trolling. And the intended audience for it is the usual white racists Trump and Donalds pander to.
Donald Trump and Byron Donalds racial stunts are for white racists, not "outreach" to Black Trump's alliances with rappers and Donalds praising Jim Crow are about validating MAGA's racist stereotypes
I remember specifically that Trump portrayed it as an act of mercy that Hillary Clinton did not get prosecuted, when in fact he pursued the matter but was almost certainly told the case would be thrown out of court and he'd have egg on his face.
The Dr. Phil/Hannity exchanges are pernicious because they treat it as a *magnanimous favor* Trump would be doing for the country if he shows forbearance and refrains from prosecuting Biden and Dems. But he has zero basis for seeking "revenge" in the first place! 5/
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The conservative defense of Trump's convictions seems to be "Well I crime too. Does that make me a criminal?"
Personally I prefer campaigns to stick to the issues. Issues such as the convicted felon wanting to kill Obamacare as quickly as possible.
"Presumed innocent until your Supreme Court buddies get you off the hook"
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Lmao Alex Jones is crying on his show right now because he has to sell his ranch to pay off his legal bills because his lawyer accidentally emailed all his texts to the plaintiffs attorney
Showing up at the courthouse in the costume was a nice touch but they'd better get on the record falsification train if they really want to fit in.
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Sometimes the problem is that the best have tons of conviction but the billionaires have more lawyers.
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can we skip ahead to the part where he gets found guilty, gets fined ~8000 bucks and told not to do it again, and then every lawyer on here acts like you're the asshole for expecting this huuuge trial they themselves breathlessly followed to end in jail time. sick of this
Presidential debate talks are gonna break down because Trump will insist on having Speaker Johnson serve as his gag order interpreter.
To be honest, this is the most valid application of AI that I've seen so far.
No I don’t think I will
The world you grew up in is dead
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So the lead singer of the band asks us whether we've seen anything unusual in the sky yesterday and I yelled THE SUN MY GOD WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM
Just spitballing here, maybe oil executives would rather put their money into downticket races rather than inject $1 billion into a campaign that will blow it on legal fees and commercials showing Donald trying to stand upright, in exchange for the temporary relaxation of environmental standards.
What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President Biden’s policies on electric vehicles and wind energy, and other initiatives opposed by the fossil fuel industry.
Granting this, the defense still has their ace-in-the-hole move to draw a mistrial and avoid a conviction before the election.
basically every single witness has come on the stand and been like I am a close personal friend of donald trump, have been for thirty years, and he was terrified about this story because it would fuck up the campaign, he called me at 2am being like "what will this do to my campaign"