"At my public rallies, I’ve always done my best to rile up disaffected voters with needlessly violent rhetoric. So imagine my shock when a disaffected voter showed up to one of my public rallies and committed a needless act of violence."
I Can’t Believe Such a Hateful, Violent Act Could Happen in the Hateful, Violent Era I’ve “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country.” — Donald Trump, writing on Truth Social after an attempt on his life, 7/13/24 - ...
I hope one day all of Florida can get as much healthcare as this fish
new: noticed an uptick in bots on X / Twitter? you're not alone. new data provided to me by one cybersecurity firm found: ➡️ nearly 76% of traffic from X to its clients' sites was fake during Super Bowl weekend no other platform came close to that read more:
The majority of traffic from Elon Musk's X was fake during the Super Bowl, data These numbers are legitimately shocking.
1. Does the grind of your job knock you down (physically or emotionally) day after day? 2. Will you rush towards any opening you see, no matter how small or inopportune? 3. Do you work on Sundays?
Are You a Freelancer or a Running Back in the NFL? For every question you answer “YES” to, add one point to your total. 1. Does the grind of your job knock you down (physically or emotionally) day a...
Here's our 5th most-read article of 2023: VOICEMAIL: “I have a tiny favor to ask, no big deal if you can’t—I know you’re busy.” URGENCY: Dad was in a terrible accident and lost a lot of blood. The hospital is out of the unusual blood type you and he share.
How Urgently Your Mom Needs to Talk to You, Based on What She Said in the Voicemail: “Hi, sweetie. No big news over here—and no rush to call me back.” Urgency: I am bursting to tell you HUGE NEWS. (The township finally pa...
"It’s so great of you to inform us our stay has been canceled two days before check-in. Do you want to tell my heavily pregnant wife she’ll be giving birth in the street, or shall I?"
Joseph of Nazareth Has Had It with July 3, 1 BC Dear Joseph of Nazareth, Your booking is confirmed for HILTON GARDEN INN BETHLEHEM. confirmation number: 483949011 Check-in...
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