
7 month being unemployed is rough. Things are looking up recently after a few interviews with a company. I have a 3rd round tomorrow that I’m hoping to crush and land. The market has been shit and the whole process is so exhausting at this point. I just want to be done and working again.
I’ve applied to about 100 jobs. Most ghost and never get back to you. Out of the 100 I’ve only been interviewed by maybe 6-10 companies (haven’t really been keeping track)
I had an initial interview with a company that ended in 5 minutes because I didn’t know 1 specific piece of software. A good engineer can learn and learn quickly in the right environment. I said this to them and they were still staunchly saying nope, we won’t move forward.
I know I dodged a bullet with that. But seriously. Wtf.
Fingers crossed for ya man, the search is always so damn exhausting