
Biden ran on the degree to which Trump’s embrace of white supremacists after Unite the Right “shocks the conscience.” His words, from his ad. Can’t really run on that again if you’re turning a blind eye to a racialized full-scale military assault carried out with American white phosphorus
As always: he could change course! He could publicly demand Netanyahu stop this thing! He could stop selling weapons to the IDF! He could even close the embassy, or move it back to Tel Aviv and reopen our separate consulate general for the Palestinians! Lots of stuff he could do!
Yes, let's please not give Israel any more money.
He mostly won the last election because Trump let 100,000 Americans die to Covid as it ran rampant through the streets. But then Biden handled it even worse. 100k is chump numbers. I think we gotta mentally prepare for a Trump presidency. Or empire. Or kleptocracy. Or whatever.