
“Why are there no more heroes” not entirely sure but it might be because you’re an adult
Eventually you have to come to grips with the basic truth that people are just people and not purely good or evil and thus much more interesting, and that the world of narrative opens up quite a bit once you stop trying to make some hypothetical supremely good person the protagonist of every story
Or you can become embittered and cynical and thus more and more sensitive to perceived defects of character until you can see no alternative but to isolate yourself from other people and turn your now-razor-sharp judgmental apparatus and the inevitable loathing it produces inward. Up to you really
Pretty sure you or my therapist has committed a HIPAA violation here
Doing the internal work frequently means accepting that as much as we always want to be the hero in our own story, sometimes we’re *legitimately* the villain of someone else’s. I think sometimes the desire for supremely good heroes is rooted in a desire to avoid the darkness within ourselves.
I'll say something like, 'most evil is perpetrated by normal people' and just get a lot very weird looks. kind of the same point
Thanks for explaining being human dude
It was supposed to be us. All along. The stories were to inspire us to stand.
There are actually heroes everywhere - seeing them just requires adjusting our expectations to reality. They are out there teaching our kids to read, finding a home for stray dogs and cats, fighting fires, cleaning our air & water and doing all kinds of other amazing things.
No. It’s because our culture has been overrun by the selfish instead of the selfless, and we as a society have prioritized the wrong things (athletes and actors over doctors and teachers).
There are wonderful actors, many of them poor, and horrid doctors.
No, there are good people, bad people, victims (women), and sidekicks, who are like heroes but they don’t deserve respect. 40 years of popular nerd culture have ingrained this system in me, and I wear glasses, so if it was wrong I would have figured it out by now.
Also, a person's public persona has little to no bearing on who they actually are
There's only a small handful of people I would consider as a Hero in that sense, but yeah many whom I thought in the past, not at all now
I think there are a lot of people who see themselves as heroes because they're "going against the grain," but the stand they choose to take is, like, not getting vaccinated or not using seatbelts. All of this to say that one person's hero may be another person's dangerous idiot.
That and the standard in this era of media culture and social clout is almost impossibly high and not worth the risk. The only way you get to be a hero now is if you die during the heroic and they'll be people going "but.....20 years before he died" and still retroactively cancel and diminish them.
Kill the heroes in your head or whatever
More likely the disruption efforts and liklihood of assassination
There are heroes in my stories. They are the friends who show up, listen, take care of each other, and stand up to do the hard things.
Growing up can change our perspective, but heroes can still be found in everyday acts of kindness and bravery. Keep looking!
That's what Superman is for.
"why are there no more heroes" mfs when I show them doctors and nurses, eco volunteers, engineers and other people that bust their ass 24/7 to make the world go and help others (they now understand that heroes are mundane people doing heroic things, not some randos in flashy clothes)
I’m holdin on for a hero
