Thijs Heus

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Thijs Heus

Modeler of atmospheric flow, clouds and boundary layers. #MicroHH. Associate prof at Cleveland State.
columbia university achieving the daring dream of a no-student no-faculty all administration university
Our #MicroHH Large Eddy Simulations are absolutely spot on simulating the wind and temperature during the eclipse!
Even with an eclipse Cleveland is doing just fine.
Interesting traffic patterns today ;)
In the last 2 weeks, I've submitted 2 internal grants, 1 external, 2 degree plans, presented two talks, and opened up 1 super computer. In the next 3 weeks I'm submitting 1 more external grant, 1 report on SEIs, 2 more talks, and likely a paper. All I can think of is how much I'm procrastinating.
Does anybody here ever gets disappointingly *high* Student Evals? I know I did a mediocre job last semester, but the scores were above my typical value (small sample size).
Fantastic to spot the MOSAIC kids book at my local library, and see how in depth it really is
Henk Dijkstra was one of my favorite teachers in undergrad 25 years ago, and he still is amazing the ocean circulation with amazing clarity.
For all interested in the tipping point of the Atlantic overturning circulation : here's Henk Dijkstra's recent talk. The tipping point has been confirmed in a state-of-art climate model, and a novel early warning indicator suggests we're heading there.
The 6yo said it was grading day for his stuffies. , please send help.
"I'm swamped right now, but I'll have more time in three weeks", is true now and always will be.
Important to notice that there is hope in some of this acceleration: we're making one problem worse because we're solving a related one. But if we can deal with pollution from soot (or ozone, or...), we can deal with CO2.
This one hit "friends are texting me to ask how worried they should be"-level nerve
Thanks for that heads up... passing along!
I'm on an NSF grant panel later this year - we were just told access to proposals will not be available during a shutdown. FYI, if you're reviewing right now - download!
Welcome to the 4. Sky, Bluesky, we have rules here: 5. Side with the Seeds 6. Shake it off 7. Please be patient with me 8. Hate it here 9. Leave me (like you found me) 12. On and on and on.
Welcome to Bluesky, we have rules here: 1. Stand in the place where you live 2. Now face north 3. Think about direction, wonder why you haven't before
I'm leading a committee at CSU to revise our Student Evaluations of Instruction. Does anyone have any best practices/examples that work really well (or really don't)? How do you keep participation up, avoid biases, etc? Please RT&DM! #HigherEd
About climate, about higher Ed.... and I'm still not sure how to act on that.
I wish more scientists understood that for conservative think tanks the noise *IS* the message It doesn’t matter to them if they’re right about the level of bias at Nature Their media approach makes it clear their long run goal is to erode trust by creating another scandal. Another climate gate
I guess there's a risk in trying to do a decent job as first-meeting-chair in front of one of the best chairs I know: you get to be chair...
Fact check: The astrological fall starts at September 15 already!
Autumn and Fall
End of feed.