
I do not have an expectation of privacy. I also think that government surveillance is, a priori, bad. It should only be used where the benefit is very high. Traffic laws are not one of them. Our society worked perfectly well with traffic cops enforcing the law. Cameras are a profit making tool.
Driving is an intrinsically dangerous thing. Forty thousand fatalities out of the billions of driver miles is a really, really good outcome.
“Traffic deaths are not real because I personally have never killed anyone in an accident.” God’s Safest Speeder has spoken! Heed the word of the living God!
1) I have never had a moving violation in 54 years of driving. 2) Traffic deaths are real. The death rate per mile drived is insanely low. It's a price worth paying.
Wait, hold on — did you just say that other peoples’ *preventable* (in a way that at worst causes you a minor inconvenience) is a “price worth paying” for not having experience that inconvenience?
When the inconvenience is minor, I definitely am in favor of preventing deaths. But let's change the example a little. 5.1 million people die each year from fossil fuels. Does your enthusiasm for preventing death extend to banning automobiles completely?
Easily. I gave the practice up 20 years ago myself. And you opened your participation in this conversation by openly arguing against a minor inconvenience that is definitively demonstrated to reduce vehicular deaths, calling them “an acceptable price to pay.” Which is just sociopathy!
I bet you still ride in them and thereby participate in the murder. My question was, would you ban all fossil fuel use to save six million people.
Would you not??? Without even getting how entirely irrelevant this is to voluntarily speeding, is your position that you would NOT press this magical button??
My position is that I would not accept surveillance in return for incrementally less speeding. Your position, it seems, is that any reduction in death is worthwhile. I say that using cars at all contradicts your position.
Nah, this is one of those “we should reform society somewhat/but you live in society — interesting! I am very smart” arguments. Whatever my wishes, cars aren’t going away anytime soon, so reform is necessary. And as a cyclist, I have THOUGHTS about driver behavior.
Well I did call it a magic button, implying that "magically removing all cars from existence but nothing else about reality changes" is an unrealistic expectation. I understand that you want this to prove my own hypocrisy, as you assume no one can function without a vehicle.
I do not argue against minor inconvenience. I argue against police surveillance and automated law enforcement.