
One of the very few "director's cut" editions that improved a film was Blade Runner, and that mostly by taking things out (Ford's awful voiceover, demanded by the studio and recorded basically under duress).
"Dark City" and "Troy" are also vastly improved by the director's cut. "Amadeus" has one pivotal scene restored that improves the film, and one scene that doesn't, and several little bits of dialogue that were better off remaining trimmed.
This is the same scenario with the Untitled edition of ALMOST FAMOUS. Lots of good character stuff with Patrick Fugit and Kate Hudson, but also scenes that just don't work, and one inclusion that outright ruins one of the best moments of comic timing in the film.
I do like that they added back in the runner that the drummer is “Silent Ed,” making that silence more clear so his line on the plane ride hits on two levels.
Yeah, most of the band/Band Aide/life on the road stuff was fine. But things like the high school principle's extended speech about "the future" during the graduation ceremony contribute nothing. It was a good idea to cut it in the first place and didn't need to edited back in.