
In 1997, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department "made up" evidence against 2 teens to pin a murder on them. When the real killer - who later confessed - killed again LAPD pinned THAT murder on yet someone else. By
They were wrongfully convicted as teens. Now L.A. County is paying them $24 L.A. County will pay $27 million to settle shooting, wrongful conviction lawsuits against Sheriff’s Department
LA cops are the worst. I'm sure there are worse Boss Hoggs but as a major city police force, based purely on personal experience and observation, NWA's "Fuck the Police" was totally justified. Lived in LA briefly, was so happy to get back to NYC corrupt cops. Think about that.
At least they get enough money to have a nice life. In Germany you get only 75€ per day in prison and hardly extra compensation for financial losses.
"... the county has approved more than $66 million this year in cases involving the Sheriff’s Department..." Still more than half a year to go.