
a dumb thing prequels do is answer shit that doesn't need answered (e.g. where han solo came from—a greedy guy is named greedo here, we're fine) and create permanently irreconcilable questions, like: how is "he fucked a robot" not in the first 3 things you say about a guy you know who fucked a robot
"Lando system?" "Lando's not a system, he's a man. Lando Calrissian. He's a card player, gambler, fucks droids. You'd like him."
"actually the robot he used to fuck got lobotomized and IS the ship we've been flying around in, try not to bring it up"
Darth Vader building C-3PO is the dumbest thing in the galaxy
And then not recognizing 3PO and R2 at all when they mysteriously show up on the Death Star several years later.