
I’m GenX, I’m never not going to listen to 2 Live Crew. Suck a fat one, Tipper Gore.
she doesn't get near enough credit* for basically providing the template for moms for liberty.
Oh, for sure. Still not how she came out of that unscathed.
i read the book she wrote back in the day - "raising PG kids in an X rated society" - and holy lord. the whole thing started bc mother of the year bought her 7yo kid the purple rain soundtrack without doing a lick of homework about the music in an R-rated movie. all that bc she didn't do her job. 🙄
I’ve been meaning to reply to this since Wednesday! It came in while I was driving. I’m surprised you were able to finish the book. I would probably have been so mad, if I’d started it at all, to finish.
i read it when i was in middle school so it came off as "whatever, MOM." it's so breathless and panicky. it's actually kinda hilarious. she cites the texas chainsaw massacre movie! lol!
The only consolation of 2000, and it’s not much, is that we were spared her as FLOTUS, but I dunno if it was worth it
I think about that every once in a while.