
1/14 Three dreams about Elvis Presley that I had between 1995 and 2004: Elvis Dream #1 It is very late at night. The aliens have landed. Three of them, in space-suits, knock at my door. When I open it, they ask me, "What is the word for Elvis on your planet?"
2/14 This catches me off guard. "Why, it's Elvis," I stammer. "It's Elvis here too! It's Elvis here too!" they murmur amongst themselves. Then they leave. Elvis Dream #2 Present day. I'm walking down a busy city street when I walk into Elvis Presley.
3/14 He looks frightened and confused. He's wearing the black leather suit from the 1968 NBC Special, and gold sunglasses. He is slim and handsome. "Elvis," I say. "Elvis, what are you doing here?" It turns out he doesn't know where he is or how he got here.
4/14 He takes my hand, and I lead him to a café to talk. He's shocked when I tell him the year is 1999. He thinks it's 1975. "Everyone thought you died in 1977," I tell him. He says he can't remember anything after mid-1975. We talk for hours.
5/14 I let him know everything that has happened in the world since his mysterious disappearance. I tell him that Colonel Parker is dead. I tell him that the world badly misses him, and that, if he makes his presence known, people will tug at him from all directions.
6/14 I tell him that he has a wonderful gift as an entertainer, but that his popularity could kill him if he isn't careful. We strategize. We come up with a way for him to balance show business and his own personal needs.
7/14 I urge him not to let his obligations stand in the way of his self-maintenance. I make it clear to him that he can do both: entertain people, and take care of himself. After a few hours, we are done, and he is eager to return to Graceland.