
Our nation’s pundits will have you know that when young people arrive at the same opinion it is due to peer pressure and maybe TikTok, and the fact the pundits themselves all agree on this point is because each examined the question on the merits and just happened to arrive at identical conclusions.
So well thought out are their positions, the pundits even use the same wording. Over and over and over.
They don't go to TikTok, they go to traditional, authoritative sources, primarily X.
My 19yr & 22yr both called bullshit on the pundits. But they stay on top of the news, & not just so they can get all the jokes on LWT et al. 22yr: "After what we've lived through already, you better believe I pay attention." (His HS graduation and freshman year at college were wiped out by Covid.)
This is because they are mature, and wise, and definitely understand what they're talking about
They're not so much journalists as they are journalism cosplayers. They dress up like real journalists should look... and that's it.
And that's pretty much religion in a nutshell.
Yes, it is clearly very different indeed. Those silly young people with their tictacs.
"Who is funding them all?" we must ask. "See: they all wear shoes."