
oh it's SO MUCH WORSE than blaming the left a thread 🧵🧵🧵 🪡
Nothing centrists love more than blaming the left
🪡 macron has 'won' all his elections by taking second place against the right then blackmailing the left into voting for him in the run-off 🪡
🪡 the plan this time was to do more of the same: the EU elections turned into a bitter struggle in the infighting left macron would take advantage and make a grandiose play: call a snap election, take silver then restore a majority with the former moderates of the left coalitions as his adjunct 🪡
🪡 that failed in a matter of HOURS — on his left, the coalition emerged on a much stronger basis than it had before; on his right, the complete collapse of the traditional buisness-catholic right benefited the far right far more than it did him 🪡
🪡 now, his dream scenario (his candidate is in 2nd place with a 3way run-off) only has come to pass in ~100 case out of 577 and every single left party has immediately taken their candidate off the ballot no questions asked to avoid splitting the votes 🪡
🪡 the macronists have no such clarity, in fact most are still acting as though they can pull off the gambit and somehow pry apart the left coalition and built a majority off of the remains (this is delusional) 🪡
🪡 however, a few of people in the left side inside of his own coalition who have been eating shit for 7 years are considering it to big a moral blight, have ignored orders and called for uncritical support to anyone but the far right 🪡
🪡 the questions remaining are are centrist voters gonna follow macron into that moral desolation? i have little hopes enough of them that the far right doesn't get enough seats to make a government? possibly. two days ago i would have said very likely but i'm not sure now at all. 🪡✂️