Rea, MSc Arc

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Rea, MSc Arc

/re:a/ - 26 - They/She - Motorcycling physicist and occasionally useful lesbian - ND4ND - Ambiamorous but VERY romantic
(Flips pronoun order for ninth time)
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To clarify for all my followers who think they're cis men but dream of being hot babes: - The chances are good you'll be hotter than you think you will (dysphoria lies!) - The hormone change will likely make you FEEL better regardless
Yep, my weird claim to fame is telling eggs that their fears of not being attractive as a woman is literally dysphoria lol It's true!
I'm going to drown out foreign election talk by being a lesbian
I transitioned because I was tired of my dates expecting bad selfish sex and bouncing when I actually centered them
I transitioned because all the women in my family were lame as fuck and someone needed to do a better job
On the brink of making a tinder account just to meet people in this godawful summer
Just learned that the word "slave" comes from the ethnic group of Slavs and therefore I never ever want to hear any anglophone tell me I'm responsible for systemic racism in the West.
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stop sharing JKR tweets here you utterly stupid cunts. I'd literally just be on twitter dot com if I wanted to see that. you're not being good allies you're just being annoying
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oh it's SO MUCH WORSE than blaming the left a thread 🧵🧵🧵 🪡
Nothing centrists love more than blaming the left
MSc Arc is fucking ON only thesis to go
One drink and I'm reeling from desire to be held and loved and cherished
Someone stop me from coming out as trans to my ex from 5 years ago in hopes she'll figure out she's gay
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People talk a lot about “second puberty” in terms of the physical transformation and hormonal sensitivity / turbulence, which are of course both important. But, less is said about the social adjustment and personal realization sides of this experience. (1/14)
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This is the structure I'm on - y'know why? I've got a good union
The German citizenship test will now require you to state that you support Israel's right to statehood. How does any of that make *any* fucking SENSE-
how the fuck do I always find the rare lesbians who don't want to date long-distance? HOW???
Reposted byAvatar Rea, MSc Arc
better the pain you know than the joy you do not
July 1st can't come soon enough, I'm gonna play so much games and hopefully have so much gay sex
yearning, pining, screaming, crying, throwing up
Quote-skeeting cause unrelated to topic. You know what helps with an anxious attachment style? Sitting with the anxiety, knowing your brain is being mean to you and learning not to need your partner's reassurance for every single thing. It makes you learn to trust them implicitly.
people need to learn to sit with discomfort it’s literally a DBT practice and it fucking works
Waiting for her text instead of doing the things I have less and less time to do
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It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Sometimes I wish I could be rid of my desires. To be able to accept permanent solitude, instead of continuously playing this sadomasochistic game with the Universe. Literally being tantalised. Always within arm's reach but forever impossible. I wish I didn't need companionship, but I do.
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So, based on conversations I've been having lately in many places, I think one of the lesser-understood pieces of damage Tesla has caused, through their insular charging network which is on-display but not explained, is diminish the public knowledge of at-home charging.
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Reposted byAvatar Rea, MSc Arc
Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
Huh maybe I'm oversexual around my friends because my brain has learned that making someone cum is the only way to reliably keep them around