
I like how some people are calling what the democrats are doing with Joe Biden ‘elder abuse’. It’s literally not, but also, if it were, can’t think of a shithead who deserves it more than Joe Fucking Biden. Hope he spends the rest of his days miserable and dies working.
At this point the only thing that brings me comfort in this world is that old ass piece of shit is like a hundred, is definitely overworked for a man his age, and spends every waking moment of his life confused and/or angry. I hope he has a fucking stroke and survives.
The only thing I would add on to it is that he would be forced to watch the horrors he inflicted on Gaza over and over again every single day until he drops dead.
I mean honestly he’s been in power so long we could legitimately make him doom scroll that account on Twitter that just posts babies in Fallujah that are born dead or with life threatening deformities because that’s also his fucking fault.