Tristan Schweiger

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Tristan Schweiger

C18th studies. Academic worker. Instructional professor of English/Humanities. SEIU Local 73 steward. He/him. Cohost,
JD’s RNC speech like: Gather round, y’all, and listen to some of the down-home wisdom I learnt at a lil’ ol’ holler name of Yale University.
It’s interesting that the current fight in the Democratic coalition isn’t left v right but people who actually want the GOP defeated vs people who mainly just want to feel morally superior to Republicans and are happy with “I dissent” memes.
Reupping my 2020 plan — Delaware secedes and becomes a kingdom. Joe becomes monarch. Hunter is the sybaritic prince/heir apparent doing lines of blow and wrecking Ferraris down at Dewey Beach. Dems’ problems solved.
One consequence of Dems refusing to own up to the fact that Clinton totally botched the ‘16 campaign (and was a HIGHLY flawed candidate) is they’ve convinced themselves Biden is magic for *barely* beating one of the most reviled presidents of the last 100 years.
Anyone who grew up in Delaware in the years when he dominated state politics knows this Senator Joe -- petulant, bitter, and deeply committed to right-wing governance.
If liberals want out of this fascist hell -- and outside of the Democratic Party elite, I believe many actually do -- they're going to have to massively expand their understanding of what the political sphere is. Electoral politics will not save us.
If this forces him out of the race with enough time for Dems to find a replacement who will beat Trump (they have like 20 decent options there), this debate will have been good.
Check out the hat my amazing colleague made me for our program’s “prom.” Yes, that is an albatross on the stern of the British ship. The pirates are winning, as they should.
It is very heartening to see so many faculty — including those who have never taken political stands — speaking up for Palestine solidarity and the right to protest. However, on the fash side, we do need to reckon with this industry’s longstanding compliant dweeb problem.
General principle for labor — if your boss has a private army (say, a university police force), it’s important to vocally oppose the existence of such a thing. Defund, disarm, and disband.
Disarm, defund, and disband the University of Chicago Police Department.
In “shit that is monumentally depressing,” today I learned that Ian Baucom is provost of UVA. Let it never be said you can’t write a landmark book on the violence of capital and then go onto lead an administration deploying cops on student protestors.
To any UChicago alums -- if you haven't already done so, please write administration to let them know you strongly oppose police action against the Gaza solidarity encampment ASAP.
I never want to hear Joe talk up his Irish heritage again. He'd have been on the side of the Black and Tans.
The violence of the crackdown vs. the impact divestment would have is disproportionate. Columbia's endowment exposure to objectionable assets is <1/10 of 1%. This about authoritarian trustees and administrators fearing and resisting a large scale democratization of higher ed.
In case there was any doubt, Biden has made himself absolute party to the brutal suppression of student protests against genocide. He frames protesters as violent because, you guessed it, they are causing 'violence' to *property.* Meanwhile the state inflicts violence on students.
Many of the students mounting heroic protests around the country began their college years amid a massive breakdown of public health that killed millions and has forever altered our social landscapes. They have never had any reason to trust institutional authority.
Wrote Shafik a little note. I know how much upper management loves hearing from alumni.
No savior from on high delivers, No faith have we in prince or peer. Our own right hands the chains must shiver — Chains of hatred, greed, and fear! Happy May Day, comrades. We’re going go win ✊
Gotta vote for Biden, see, because otherwise Democratic mayors might deploy militarized cops to suppress left dissent — egged on by a Democratic White House. Gotta not let that happen. Blue no matter who.
Solidarity to the Columbia protestors.
"uNiVeRsItYs R LeFt wInG" the dumbshit fascists say, as universities deploy state violence against their own students and faculty in support of a genocidal war.
University administrators would love nothing more than to have no students and teach no classes so they can run their real-estate hedge funds without inconvenience.
You can't run on Trump representing a fascist threat (he does) when you are deploying jackbooted thugs against students engaged in peaceful protest around the country.
If there was ever a moment that showed why faculty across higher ed need to be organized, this is it. (I mean, that was already blatantly apparent, but fascist administrators deploying the cops against their own workers is real through the looking glass shit.)
All university presidents should resign, tbh.
One of my better Facebook posts.
My first time at ASECS as a panel chair today, and just a fantastic conversation about transhistorical pedagogy. Headed home with lots of great ideas!
So how do folks around here feel about McTeague: A Story of San Francisco (1899) by Frank Norris?