
I appreciate Greg's insight here, but a wildly and dangerously misinformed public is primarily the fault of the news media, not politicians. And since this poll made it very clear that they are failing miserably at their primary obligation, there has been very little self-reflection from them
this this this this this this this
Thank you. Absolutely insane to see these polls mentioned in article after article and not one member of the news media acknowledge it as indisputable evidence that their own industry is falling on its face on a massive scale
the lack of self-reflection has been really disheartening "society is poorly informed" well dude thats literally your job
The Republicans' great insight is that people will blame Biden for whatever goes wrong, so their incentive is to create maximum damage. We can even see that with some of the "leftists" on here blaming Biden for Dobbs and suggesting that letting the system collapse would somehow help ordinary people.
they don't blame biden for roe, they blame the democratic party in general. they blame biden for letting the ctc to expire, supporting a genocide, backpedaling on college debt among many other valid things that actively hurt ordinary ppl
But with the exception of support to Israel, these are things that Biden actively fought for *against active Republican opposition*, and which wouldn't have happened in a government with more elected Democrats. What is the scenario where Democrats lose more and things get better?
not telling ppl who to vote for or not but outside of his ftc & nlrb appointments what is someone voting for? the scolds (not particularly calling you 1) only have vote against negative outcomes. not a particularly great thing to run on so I totally understand ppl not voting
Seems like people don't like knowing they have only one real choice, so lots of them will furnish reasons to have two.
"Trump is surely aware that in a general sense, the public blames the man sitting in the Oval Office when things go badly." Not w/ Teflon Don. No blame ever sticks to that guy w/ his voters. He can do no wrong w/ them. They simply transfer responsibility for his actions onto Biden.
What can I do? I have never done much to get involved to make a difference. Can I create a simple VOTE BLUEsky group here? Maybe others feel like I do and don’t know where to start or what to do that will make a difference.
oh no not the border plan that did all the stuff trump wanted, how bad that biden's attempt to fall to his knees and suck the republicans hogs failed