Greg Sargent

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Greg Sargent

Politics, politics, politics
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
The fact that Trump doubled down by picking a culture war shitheel as VP only sharpens the gravity of Biden appearing feeble - what’s done is done but wow does the pressure dial feel like it’s buried at max.
Each side attacks the other as a threat to democracy. But only Dems are being faithful to reality here. Trump *does* pose a foundational threat to republican governance. MAGA *is* the only major faction in US life that valorizes political violence. 5/
This is galling: Media accounts are noting that both Trump and Dems are attacking the other as a grave threat to democracy. But Dems base this on what Trump and his allies *say in their own words.* Trump makes shit up. Media isn't making this clear. 1/ (new piece)
Trump’s Ugly New Post-Shooting Rant Instantly Wrecks His “Unity” Donald Trump’s idea of unity: Everybody just needs to unify around putting him above the law. The media must resist getting played by his scam.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Another interesting, unexpected show, with a shout-out to in the middle!
We can't let the despicable shooting "cow us into not talking about" the true nature of the "crisis in American democracy," says Warnings about the threat Trump poses to democracy remain "true." On the pod we dig deep into this idea:
Trump Assassination Horror: “America Is Not Ready For What Comes Next” After the despicable attempt to kill Trump, a reporter who writes regularly about political violence explains how deeply unprepared we are for the terrible escalation that may now be coming.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Hmmm very interesting news story I just remembered
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
It's time to cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his profound temperamental unfitness for the presidency. Central to this is explaining *why* Trump's lies render him unfit. New piece from me:
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
This is an excellent story on an excellent observation. Thanks, Greg.
Remarkable finding in new Marist poll: By 68-32, voters say they're more concerned about a president who doesn't tell the truth than one who is too old to serve. Maybe we should cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his unfitness for the presidency. 1/ (new piece)
Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the Democrats shift focus to that?
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
great thread
Remarkable finding in new Marist poll: By 68-32, voters say they're more concerned about a president who doesn't tell the truth than one who is too old to serve. Maybe we should cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his unfitness for the presidency. 1/ (new piece)
Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the Democrats shift focus to that?
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent always on point
I'd like to suggest a crucial distinction, one between "mental" unfitness for the presidency and "temperamental" unfitness for it. Some polls use the former language, and there Biden loses. But when it's polled as the latter, Biden leads Trump. 3/
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
This is an important language shift that I wish more people would adopt
I'd like to suggest a crucial distinction, one between "mental" unfitness for the presidency and "temperamental" unfitness for it. Some polls use the former language, and there Biden loses. But when it's polled as the latter, Biden leads Trump. 3/
cc smartypants poli sci types please tell me what to think of this
I'd like to suggest a crucial distinction, one between "mental" unfitness for the presidency and "temperamental" unfitness for it. Some polls use the former language, and there Biden loses. But when it's polled as the latter, Biden leads Trump. 3/
Remarkable finding in new Marist poll: By 68-32, voters say they're more concerned about a president who doesn't tell the truth than one who is too old to serve. Maybe we should cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his unfitness for the presidency. 1/ (new piece)
Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the Democrats shift focus to that?
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Trump's Project 2025 is weighing like an anchor around his campaign and he's pulling out all his tricks to try to buck his association with it. Amazingly, it turns out voters care more about a candidate promising "I am planning to ruin your life" than an old guy mumbling a little?
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th:
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
This is often overlooked, but Project 2025 is also a blueprint for right wing cultural revolution (on choice, LGBTQ, etc). As reporter puts it on the pod: "This is a blueprint for what a small faction on the far right would like to see our country become." Listen:
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th:
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
Also interesting: New poll out this AM finds 50 percent of voters now associate Project 2025 with Trump. On today's pod we go deep into the surprising success that Dems have had in making Project 2025 break into the broader popular culture, a striking development. Listen:
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th:
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
Trump's efforts to run from Project 2025 are blowing up in his face: *CNN reports 140 former Trump officials are involved *New video shows Trump praised its creators in 2022 On the pod, we go deep into the threat Project 2025 poses, with Amanda Becker of The 19th:
Trump’s Sleazy New Project 2025 Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His As new reports tie Trump to Project 2025, a writer who has examined the plan explains what this saga really reveals about the reactionary agenda MAGA wants to inflict on our country.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
In interview with Klain says “I’ll remind people how 1968 ended. It did not with the Democrats’ substitute candidate holding on to the White House…” I’ve studied 1968 and, yes, Humphrey lost but it was extremely close and not a good argument against swapping out the nominee.
NEWS --> Ron Klain, a top Biden ally, acknowledges to me that polls showing Trump solidly ahead are "in the ballpark" of being right. But he insists there's still a path. On the pod, Klain sat for 20 minutes of hard questions about Biden's way forward. Listen:
Trump’s Lead Just Got Scarier—but This Dem Still Sees a Path for With President Biden adamantly insisting he isn't stepping aside, top ally and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain makes an expansive case for how Biden can still beat Donald Trump this fall.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
This is a message for the pro-Biden, unskew-the-polls brigade ... even Team Biden thinks the polls are right and that he's behind.
NEWS --> Ron Klain, a top Biden ally, acknowledges to me that polls showing Trump solidly ahead are "in the ballpark" of being right. But he insists there's still a path. On the pod, Klain sat for 20 minutes of hard questions about Biden's way forward. Listen:
Trump’s Lead Just Got Scarier—but This Dem Still Sees a Path for With President Biden adamantly insisting he isn't stepping aside, top ally and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain makes an expansive case for how Biden can still beat Donald Trump this fall.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Great get for Greg
NEWS --> Ron Klain, a top Biden ally, acknowledges to me that polls showing Trump solidly ahead are "in the ballpark" of being right. But he insists there's still a path. On the pod, Klain sat for 20 minutes of hard questions about Biden's way forward. Listen:
Trump’s Lead Just Got Scarier—but This Dem Still Sees a Path for With President Biden adamantly insisting he isn't stepping aside, top ally and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain makes an expansive case for how Biden can still beat Donald Trump this fall.
NEWS --> Ron Klain, a top Biden ally, acknowledges to me that polls showing Trump solidly ahead are "in the ballpark" of being right. But he insists there's still a path. On the pod, Klain sat for 20 minutes of hard questions about Biden's way forward. Listen:
Trump’s Lead Just Got Scarier—but This Dem Still Sees a Path for With President Biden adamantly insisting he isn't stepping aside, top ally and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain makes an expansive case for how Biden can still beat Donald Trump this fall.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
This was a interesting listen, in the sense that I didn't know where the discussion was headed, and I'm not sure Greg or really did either!
New pod: For now, the effort to oust Biden seems to be failing. and I dive deep into the structural factors in Dem Party politics that explain why this is happening, and what to expect next. Really illuminating stuff from Dave. You'll learn a ton:
Surprise: Biden Is Suddenly Close to Defeating the Push to Oust With Democrats coalescing behind President Biden at a moment of crisis, a leading analyst explains how he is fending off efforts to remove him—and lays out what will happen next.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
This is a really thought-provoking listen.
New pod: For now, the effort to oust Biden seems to be failing. and I dive deep into the structural factors in Dem Party politics that explain why this is happening, and what to expect next. Really illuminating stuff from Dave. You'll learn a ton:
Surprise: Biden Is Suddenly Close to Defeating the Push to Oust With Democrats coalescing behind President Biden at a moment of crisis, a leading analyst explains how he is fending off efforts to remove him—and lays out what will happen next.
With the Biden age story, there’s a drumbeat, a crusading intensity that NYT achieves by picking at it incrementally from every angle. That sends an alarm to readers. This doesn’t happen with Trump coverage in the same way. Discussed this on MSNBC here:
Joy Reid Slams NY Times ‘Laser-Focused’ Biden Reporting: Like ‘Whip-Up to the Iraq War’ Reid compared the coverage to the New York Times’ role in selling the case for the Iraq War.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
No offense, but this was probably the most depressing podcast I’ve listened to since the debate. And that is REALLY saying something.
A key point and I discuss here is that in today's Dem Party, institutions that could channel the views of the grassroots about something like whether Biden should keep running are weak (like unions). So it's easier for Biden to say the move to oust him is driven by elites.
New pod: For now, the effort to oust Biden seems to be failing. and I dive deep into the structural factors in Dem Party politics that explain why this is happening, and what to expect next. Really illuminating stuff from Dave. You'll learn a ton:
Surprise: Biden Is Suddenly Close to Defeating the Push to Oust With Democrats coalescing behind President Biden at a moment of crisis, a leading analyst explains how he is fending off efforts to remove him—and lays out what will happen next.
New pod: For now, the effort to oust Biden seems to be failing. and I dive deep into the structural factors in Dem Party politics that explain why this is happening, and what to expect next. Really illuminating stuff from Dave. You'll learn a ton:
Surprise: Biden Is Suddenly Close to Defeating the Push to Oust With Democrats coalescing behind President Biden at a moment of crisis, a leading analyst explains how he is fending off efforts to remove him—and lays out what will happen next.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
YEP, scam as Trump and the GOP are simply not saying it out loud. If ANYONE thinks they're abandoning a nation wide abortion ban, I have a bridge for sale.
"Imagine a world in which GOP president Donald Trump vetoes the national abortion ban that is sent by a GOP Congress. You cannot imagine that world, because it doesn't exist." On the pod, D strategist Jess McIntosh is brilliant on Trump's softening GOP platform scam:
Shocker: Trump’s Sudden New Abortion Shift Turns Out to Be a Big With Trump abruptly moving to soften the GOP platform on abortion, a leading defender of reproductive rights explains why the move is a big con—and reveals Trump's weakness on the issue.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
Absolute fantasy.
"Imagine a world in which GOP president Donald Trump vetoes the national abortion ban that is sent by a GOP Congress. You cannot imagine that world, because it doesn't exist." On the pod, D strategist Jess McIntosh is brilliant on Trump's softening GOP platform scam:
Shocker: Trump’s Sudden New Abortion Shift Turns Out to Be a Big With Trump abruptly moving to soften the GOP platform on abortion, a leading defender of reproductive rights explains why the move is a big con—and reveals Trump's weakness on the issue.
Reposted byAvatar Greg Sargent
If you believe the crap coming out of the Trump campaign, then you’re probably one of those folks that still believes the Roberts Court will follow precedent.
"Imagine a world in which GOP president Donald Trump vetoes the national abortion ban that is sent by a GOP Congress. You cannot imagine that world, because it doesn't exist." On the pod, D strategist Jess McIntosh is brilliant on Trump's softening GOP platform scam:
Shocker: Trump’s Sudden New Abortion Shift Turns Out to Be a Big With Trump abruptly moving to soften the GOP platform on abortion, a leading defender of reproductive rights explains why the move is a big con—and reveals Trump's weakness on the issue.
This is a really revealing paragraph from NYT that essentially pretends the media has no agency in determining what voters should be alarmed about and focused on, even as it does exactly that:
One thing that's clear from the Biden/age story is this: NYT knows how to crusade when it wants to. And NYT is crusading against Biden's mental unfitness for office in a way it's just not doing with Trump. On the pod, and I break this all down:
Trump’s Wildly Unhinged Attack on NYT Should Wake Up Media: He’s With Trump slamming The Times even as it crusades against Biden, a press critic explains how Trump scams the media into adopting a huge double standard on each man's fitness to serve.