
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI:
Not using AI is an actually sustainable business practice and they will make easy money from being litigious over clearly infringing generative works. Literal fish in a barrel type teas.
one of the good things about nintendo is that they dont jump at every industry trend that becomes popular. good to see this
it has always been their way to wait out tech bubbles, let them crash, and then later, when the dust settles, make creative use of rubble (枯れた技術の水平思考)
Great. Now stop killing preservation efforts and let people emulate old games
Or at least let them buy old games. Because aside from Hamster's arcade games and a handful of outliers, you can't... it's either rentals through their Nintendo online service, or nothin'.
You know how the ESA and Japanese Copyright are — those jerks won’t let Nintendo do that.
The one gaming corporation with half a brain cell on this issue
I mean, if even they started used it on their games, I think we could consider all hope lost. I wouldn't be too surprised to see them using it on promotional material, though, specially outside of Japan.
Nintendo have pulled so much BS that my kneejerk reaction is "what's the REAL reason"? If that's it, good. Nintendo still suck in many other ways and I say it's fair to bring them up every time. E.g. Nintendo Online sucks and it's ridiculous there's a premium pack.
The most cynical real reason I can think of is Japan's tight copyright laws and lack of fair use allowance means they're extremely wary of getting in trouble in the future for copyright infringement and ending up with a class action on their hands, which will probably happen to Midjourney, Adobe etc
It's a low bar, but (like their former president taking a minor pay cut so people don't lose jobs before this) it's a hurdle that seemingly no other major games company can clear.
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How do they measure uniqueness? How can they tell it's unique? Do they start with people who have been isolated from the rest of the world their entire lives?
There is a vast difference between being inspired by something, or building upon an idea with original thoughts and takes, as humans have always done, and the creative task of literally just asking a computer to make a thing for you, using an amalgamation of human creative outputs it stole.
If you think that's the only way to use this technology then you need to learn more about this technology. Moreover, the reality is that something like 99% of any creative output by a human is just rehashing of what that human already experienced. That 1% is our unique personal experiences.
And we can inject that into the creative process, as most creators who use this technology do, and that is how to use it effectively.