Daniel Goldman

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Daniel Goldman


Scholar and content creator interested in a wide range of topics. #science #politics #philosophy #nature 🏳️‍🌈(🇮🇱+🇵🇸) https://blog.danielgoldman.us/about
People cheering over a paper that declares GPTs "bullshit machines" but where's the paper that declares that humans are not bullshit machines, and which justifies that claim?
I know Masoud Pezeshkian is not a reformer in the sense we think of, because he's still so extreme, but... doesn't it seem like Hamas has suddenly become a LOT more open to the idea of a ceasefire even without a promise of it being permanent? Is Pezeshkian trying to take a more hands off policy?
Who wants to build some voxsites with me?
What does it mean to "know" something?
Right because it's not like we were repeatedly abused, beaten, and subjugated over the past 2,000 years. SERIOUSLY?! HALF OF US WERE ERASED IN A MATTER OF YEARS. And that was less than 100 years ago that this horrible event happened. It is because of this event that we finally rebuilt.
i dont need an ethnostate to live and neither did the vast majority of jews throughout our history. we have no right to take anyone’s homes & claim them as ours, especially when they have done nothing to us! why punish the innocent Palestinians when it was the germans who tried to wipe us all out?
What a load of horseshit. No there are no "Jew only roads" in Israel. Aid trucks are not being targeted. Hamas is being targeted, and sadly Hamas is known to use civilian infrastructure including aid trucks. Sadly fighting against that kind of behavior does sometimes lead to horrible mistakes.
They’re being concentrated and then bombed, Daniel. Aid trucks are being targeted. It’s not like the apartheid is in dispute at this point, Israel literally has jews only roads.
I can only wonder what percentage of cited material in traditionally written academic literature was "read" to the extent of finding that one key phrase needed to justify something the citing author wants to say.
An interesting side note here is that with a large n-gram model where it's processing multiple tokens at once to capture entire words, and we're working with a highly agglutinative language where order doesn't matter, we wouldn't need the positional encoding, at least not within a single sentence.
fun fact transformers—the mathematical architecture of large language models—don't care about the order of the words they read in that is, the "self attention" that powers transformers is a function that takes in an unordered bag of words hoops have to be jumped through to fix this 1/thread
Sundays are weird. Such a massive chunk of the world just goes quiet because "it's Sunday of course it's the day of rest."
What about an aristocranocy?
I love when people cite a right wing article claiming that increasing worker permits for Gazans constitutes supporting Hamas.
"Cos Jewish people genociding...." Hitlet, you said "Jewish people." And Jews are not colonizers of our own homeland. Returning home is not colonizing.
When I say the Israelis I mean the Bibi and the IDF. And the settler colonial types.
Yep. Totally the same thing. After all, Nazis didn't go after German citizens just because they were Jewish. /s
So your suggestion that because Palestinians who are citizens of Israel aren't also being murdered, then it can't be genocide. You understand that means what happened to 6 million Jewish ppl during ww2 can't be genocide, which is obviously untrue.
I will say that I've noticed I get left behind, time and time again. I'll interact with a relatively small account on a regular basis, they'll manage to gain traction, and then they'll be too busy to interact with me, as I just sit there left in the lurch.
I love someone explicitly putting "Jew ally" in their profile as they peddle antisemitic vomit like this.
"No no no we don't mean Jews. We aren't claiming Jews are doing anything bad. We're talking about Israel."
I mean, I'd try it.
Another moment in the grocery store when I’m not sure whether to be deeply ashamed or incredibly proud to be an American. Just look at that innovation.
Zionism is a secular movement. There are millions of non-religious Jews who are also Zionists. But I guess if you're going to also falsely accuse Jews of genocide, your concern about correctly defining what it means to be Jew or Zionist doesn't matter.
Wow - full on genocidal Zionist psychopath. Basing your life on religion is acceptable but using it as justification for indiscriminate slaughtering of those that don’t share you beliefs is psychotic in the extreme.
I wonder what the "trick" is to get Patreons, etc. Probably start by getting something like 10K+ followers unfortunately. lol So what's the trick to that... *sighs*
A LOT of ads on Facebook right now are spam, go to malware sites, etc. If Facebook does not get that under control, it will kill their ad revenue, and thus their entire business model.
"Okay yeah we meant the Jews."
My tolerance to dealing with these kinds of people is declining, rapidly.
"How nice it must be not to have been displaced from your ancestral home..." What do you think the Jewish diaspora was? What do you think the Holocaust and all the other repeated abuses against the Jewish people have been?
How nice it must be not to have been displaced from your ancestral home and get citizenship in the country you live in! The other Palestinians are *also* indigenous though, the ones displaced as well as the ones bombed. Not saying the Jews shouldn’t also be there, but there must be a better way
If you call Jews colonizers of our own homeland you are doing nothing but promoting antisemitic ideology.
I could go for some more of these nigiri. Rather than having the sushi chef take the time to arrange everything, I just ordered an uni sashimi and ikura nigiri and arranged it myself. Lol
It shows a lack of critical thinking huh?
If you think Joe Biden is abetting a genocide, and also that he should not release his delegates and let someone else be the nominee, I have questions.
I'm seeing more and more posts by anti-Zionists decrying how many Zionists there are. "Instagram is a Zionist platform." "Why is bsky full of Zionists?" Poor things live in such an extreme echo chamber that they are totally confused whenever reality starts to set in.
There's this view that once a species reaches the point where we have, where personhood emerges, they suppress any others from emerging by outcompeting. True, up until a certain point. But they simultaneously act as a selective pressure on other species to be cooperative with persons. Moreover...