
What's a good way to know if a video is "AI Generated"? When objects or features morph in and out of existence. It seems current methods struggle with state continuity.
There's a Tik Tok video making fun of old vine videos having these weird AI video continuations and it emphasizes the non-human bizarre behavior really well
The tech has certainly gotten better but there's a reason why AI Video Clips in tech demos are never more than a few seconds. That's how long the state memory is stable for. Things get really weird past that point with objects phasing in and out, context drifting like a trippy dream, etc.
Of course I should clarify that "AI Gen Videos" are very different tech than "Deep Fakes Videos". The latter only needs to track & adjust a mask of pixels across a single thing like a face on an existing video. That's much much easier to solve for compared to generating something from nothing.