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Teacher, director, comic fan, aspiring amateur comic artist and writer.
I’td be easy to say The Boys has gotten a tad heavy handed, but these are the folks that brought us “Herogasam.” So having Firecracker quote MTG is almost classy by comparison.
The recent SCOTUS ruling is troubling, but I hesitate to panic about hypotheticals. However, I do think it likely that a thrice married adulterer who has been sued multiple times will literally turn every decision he makes into a federal case. It’s what Trump does. Tying shit up in court is his MO.
@SCOTUS thank you for ruining democracy BEFORE The Price is Right. Mighty big of you.
Today I am 50. What does that mean? It means I am now more aware of the special attachments that came with my electric razor for trimming nose and ear hair. Off to enjoy the day.
Wordle 1,106 4/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟩🟨 ⬜⬜🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
This is your yearly reminder that fireworks in the suburbs is a dick move, especially to all the dogs that live in the suburbs. Yep, you’re a patriot. We got it. We got that memo last year, and the year before, and year before that and the year before that…
THE BOYS…barnyard edition. Ok…
Our system delivers a binary choice no one seems to want. I wish we would get better choices, but come Nov, we will have to choose from what IS, not what we "wish" was there. One of those choices is still a felon who tried to overturn the last election. The debate did not change this fact.
What got lost in the “debate” and I use that term loosely is that Biden pointed out, correctly, but weakly, that over 40 people who worked in Trump’s cabinet INCLUDING his VP won’t endorse him a second time. That should mean something. It won’t.
This book was pretty interesting. The ending felt kind of rushed, but it asks a lot of great questions about just what does it mean to be truly conscious. High recommend if you like speculative science fiction. It reminded me of Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Similar themes, etc.
And as always, we're back to page 1...Issue 6, actually looks pretty good, but no way would Arnold have just one monitor. That had to be fixed. Issue 5 hits the printers this Wednesday. I'm hoping to have that by early July.
So you made your comic. Congratulations! Now comes the most mind-numbing process ever: Getting it ready for print. Now, I'm sure some folks enjoy that kind of work, but I find it rather like playing "Whack-A-Mole" as I find error after error after error after error after error...
Why is it that the people with the worst taste in music play it the loudest and at the latest hour?
One of the more interesting aspects of the recent The Boys episode was the idea that there is no shaming of the shameless. In the Trump era, what used to get someone shunned, is shrugged off. As soon as Trump got away with "locker room talk" back in 2016, it was game over.
Dark Matter had an interesting premise, kind of like that Nick Cage movie slammed together with a Marvel movie. I generally enjoyed it, but it got slow in spots, but maybe that’s the point. As Jim from Taxi put it, “No matter where you’re at, there you are.”
A grown man couldn’t handle those character building words, “you lost, Donny.” And our hopes to avoid a repeat of that clown show now rest with an old coot that probably should step aside, but won’t, and how about 30,000 or so people sort themselves across 5-6 states. Good times.
The amount of people that work in medical billing/“patient relations” has skyrocketed the past few years. Most of these are bullshit jobs. Add that to all the referrals to specialists who also want a taste is it any wonder why we spend so much on healthcare in this country?
Toby the artist does things that drive Toby the publisher up the fuckin' wall. Like, use the same size template for each page, jackass. Toby the Artist: But the art didn't fit... Toby the Publisher: Make it fit, asshead!
At the rheumatologist and they send me to the wrong part of the building and they have me listed to be seen about an unrelated condition. They have no notes from the retina specialist. Why I’m seeing a doctor who specializes in joints for my eye is also still a mystery to me.
Figured it was time to update the interior title page art. This drawing started as digital, went traditional, and now it's digital again. I might finish it by hand someday, but I'm trying to get this issue out by the end of June.
Saturday morning and it looks like half the electorate is still obsessed with a game show host who wears bronzer, and the other half is split on a guy who's old and probably shouldn't be running. Oh, and I guess there is a new Star Wars show or something? So Saturday then.
In the wake of yet another shooting, I propose limiting ammunition sales to licensed gun ranges. The hobbyists can blast away and the rest of us can maybe not live like it’s 1880 in Tombstone, which actually banned the open carry of firearms in response to gun violence.
And that is that. I have completed major work on issue 5! Hoping to have it ready to print by the end of June. DM me if you are interested. 5.00 plus 2.00 for shipping and handling. 3.00 if you are AK or HI This will also be on sale at Midgard Comics, Games,and More in Federal Way!
To those who say criticizing Biden helps Trump, I say, Biden IS responsible to voters. Besides, Trump is the one that people blindly support. Biden is SUPPOSED to be the alternative to that, right? So, Joe, get with it. It's still your job for the next five months. Go do it.
Shit doesn't stick to Trump like it does to regular people. His voters know precisely what he is and they know YOU hate it. Telling those types of people, "so you're voting for a felon?" It isn't even going to make a dent. After, Access Hollywood, this should've been obvious. So remember to vote.
Let us not forget that this inspiring educator was shown the door, while Mr. Hand and Ben Stein were probably Plan 1 and collected their pensions at 55.
The creative lobe of my brain finally feels like it is healing up enough to work and my eye trouble also settled down enough to put in a long day at the drawing table. Hoping to get the 5th issue of Nightstik out by the end of June, just in time for my 50th birthday!
The Israelis and Palestinians have been trying to shoot their way out of their problems for at least the last 100 years. It hasn't worked out. Neither one is going anywhere. Maybe they should try something else. Just a thought.