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Teacher, director, comic fan, aspiring amateur comic artist and writer.
I can’t imagine anyone tuning in to the RNC and thinking, “wow! I was on the fence, but I’m convinced! This is the way to go!” Hell, I can’t imagine anyone tuning in.
Connections Puzzle #402 🟩🟩🟪🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪
Wordle 1,124 3/6 ⬜🟩⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Mail order pharmacies are AMAZING until they aren’t. Thanks, Virginia Mason! Waiting on an injectable drug to arrive in the mail, that might show up, might not show up, is SO much better than what I did for 15 years. Way to go, Team Medicine!
For years, Dems have been the party that “fails beautifully.” They say the “right things” but where is the action? They’re still coasting on legislation that was passed decades ago (social security, Medicare, Civil Rights Act), The ACA was big, but even that was a blowjob to insurance companies. 1/
People are fed up. Go to stores, and detergent, yes detergent, is locked up. In my state, the Dems pass laws that make things more expensive w/o actually helping anyone, but Dems are the only option to Trump and they know it. How much longer can they run on, “yeah, we suck, but Trump sucks MORE?” 2
Connections Puzzle #401 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦
Wordle 1,123 4/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟩⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟨⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Two things can be true at once. The attempt on Trump was a heinous act. AND almost no one from “the most successful presidency in history” including his former VP wants to work with him again. Finally, come Nov, there will STILL be only TWO viable choices. That will not change.
I’m old enough to remember the attempt on Reagan in 1981. I was only 6, but the assassinations of MLK, JFK, RFK, plus the attempts on Wallace, Ford, and Nixon were within living memory of adults around me. A rare event, yes but sadly not unheard of. Unsettling, to say the least.
What I am wondering is this: Of the "Biden should drop folks" how many walk away from the Dem ticket entirely if he stays and how many STILL vote for him anyway if he remains the nominee? More importantly, where do they live and vote?
My experience with ophthalmologists continues to be frustrating. They call you in and you spend more time waiting than actually being looked at. Their response? “That’s just how we do it.” This has been true of four different providers.
Joe is a SOLID second place in those swing states.
Whether you are "dump Joe" or go "Ridin' with Biden," the fact that we're doing the "well, the other guy is MORE senile..." is depressing. I miss the days when it was just about taking money from evil corporations or infidelity. I miss those days. Sigh…
I'd like to go back to that innocent time when every presidential election wasn't "the most consequential election of our lifetime." Granted I was younger and was less aware of things, but I also had a full head of hair, so at least there was that.
WIP issue 6 of my self-published comic, Nightstik! Issue 5 in print soon. DM me if interested.
There are two types of "undecideds" that mystify me. 1) "Trump wasn't THAT bad." and 2) "The Dems will learn their lesson THIS time." Both of those sound like a gamble at best and misguided at worst. Hopefully, too many of these folks aren't in the states that matter.
I’td be easy to say The Boys has gotten a tad heavy handed, but these are the folks that brought us “Herogasam.” So having Firecracker quote MTG is almost classy by comparison.
The recent SCOTUS ruling is troubling, but I hesitate to panic about hypotheticals. However, I do think it likely that a thrice married adulterer who has been sued multiple times will literally turn every decision he makes into a federal case. It’s what Trump does. Tying shit up in court is his MO.
@SCOTUS thank you for ruining democracy BEFORE The Price is Right. Mighty big of you.
Today I am 50. What does that mean? It means I am now more aware of the special attachments that came with my electric razor for trimming nose and ear hair. Off to enjoy the day.
I think the media have sort of given up on the GOP acting with any kind of integrity or Trump acting with any decency. So when Trump lurches from indefensible thing to indefensible thing, the media just shrugs. Trump acting like a jackass just isn't news. It's a day that ends in "y."
Politics is perception. It doesn't matter how things actually "are." It matters how it "looks." And right now, Biden doesn't look like he's up to the job. Hell, I could see an otherwise reasonable person looking at Trump and saying, "well, at least Trump won't be any WORSE than he was, so..."
This tracks. Plus, I think there is just an understanding that the GOP has no shame and its voters don't consider ANYTHING Trump does to be disqualifying. That's been obvious since Access Hollywood.
Wordle 1,106 4/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟩🟨 ⬜⬜🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
This is your yearly reminder that fireworks in the suburbs is a dick move, especially to all the dogs that live in the suburbs. Yep, you’re a patriot. We got it. We got that memo last year, and the year before, and year before that and the year before that…
After having read the excellent, and sobering, article, I am reminded of the film American Hustle: “You know, sometimes in life, all you have are fucked up, poisonous choices.” Indeed.
THE BOYS…barnyard edition. Ok…
Our system delivers a binary choice no one seems to want. I wish we would get better choices, but come Nov, we will have to choose from what IS, not what we "wish" was there. One of those choices is still a felon who tried to overturn the last election. The debate did not change this fact.