
Have just been reminded that we now have the indiest Prime Minister we have ever, and indeed will ever have. There is a very real chance that crucial space in the brain of the ruler of our country is taken up by Stockholm Monsters B-Sides and pre-Brix line-ups of The Fall
Wrote a bit about My Favourite Dress for a Wedding Present book, and I still can't stand the fucker.
It's a real iron law of pop (and politics) that having a strong interest in music has absolutely zero correlation whatsoever with your politics or how you implement them
One of the very worst people I stumbled across in the other place had an Elliott Smith lyric in his bio, and I’ve never been more disappointed by anything.
He chose politics over kallax storage units full of vinyl records (he might have this, but I don’t think he’s made into his main characteristic)
Did - did they transplant Tom Watson’s brain into Sir Keir
I admit I had forgotten Tom Watson's penchant for modern noise-rock
I’m never going to forget him trying to get back from Glastonbury after the surprise election announcement in 2016
He does look a bit like Tim Smith out of The Cardiacs at certain angles as well.
The resemblance is closer with the older Smith, but Starmer still looks like he was stung by several bees on top of that
Just even more puffy and sweaty and red