
Seeing these posters out in the world is pretty moving. especially when placed close to victim blaming signage.
Drivers have to keep an eye on traffic, if they have to watch where your going, so should you. You are no better, you have no excuse to be reckless.
Accountability should be relative to kinetic energy
One more thing, do you blame trains when someone chooses to walk on the tracks or jump a guard rail? I would hope not.
Here where I live trains come to a halt when there are trespassers.... 🤷‍♂️
This is either untrue or the trains move slow where you live, a train cannot stop in time if the gates are down or they can see you. That is physics.
No, everyone is accountable, if you are on a skate board and you careen into someone walking you are just as raccounabke as a driver. If your bike rams into a parked car because you were on a phone, you are still accountable. Everyone needs to watch where their going.
Yeah, the skateboarder has more kinetic energy than the pedestrian…Of course, the skateboarder won’t kill the pedestrian like the motorist would. If you can more easily murder someone with your mode of transport, you should be held more accountable for poor actions that could easily result in death.
So know you are claiming I am a bad driver? I don't even drive, but you can't travel beyond your own street with out some form of mechanical transport. Bikes are as limited as walking and a bike rider would still have to watch out for pedestrians. repeat everyone needs to watch where their going.
Your mistake in your car is much much much more likely to mean my death on my bike than the other way around. One of us is piloting a killing machine, and it ain’t me
That one was a blockable ass-clown for me.
Again I do not drive, and your bike swearing thru traffic without obeying the law could kill me. it could cause a pile up. You are as dangerous.
My point has always been both need to pay attention, a pedestrian walking without watching where they are going can be equally dangerous. why is this so controversial?
Yeah, call me when a cyclist is going 90 in a 60 on I494 near my house. Until then I’m a hell of a lot more pissed about the drivers I deal with than the occasional cyclist with earbuds.
A cyclist can endanger people by swearving thru traffic in violation of traffic laws.