
The media handling of Musk stories parallels that of their engagement with Trump. The factualness or meaning of anything they say is besides the point for our elite media overlords. The utterance itself is the story, the “fact” that turns bullshit into news for people who know better and do worse.
Musk is not going to sue the ADL (he'd lose) anymore than he was going to cage fight Mark Zuckerberg (he'd lose). At this point, no media outlet should be uncritically parroting the bombastic things Musk randomly says on Twitter and then never follows through on.
Bingo. He doesn’t need to sue, he just needs to publicly speculate about it. Trump didn’t need Zelenskyy to investigate the Bidens, only to *announce* an investigation. Uncritical reporting launders perception into reality.
"the more we see something repeated, the more likely we are to believe it to be true.” Thread about the “Illusory Truth Effect” and why it is so important NOT to repeat lies on social media (or elsewhere), even with the intention of debunking them. #Journalism #News
I don’t agree no media should be reporting it. They *should* report that the owner of the biggest social media site in America is parroting Nazis, platforming Nazis, and enraged because people don’t like it.
They need to stop being stenographers and start using the "truth sandwich" method of reporting. If it is absolutely necessary to report on something which is untrue, racist, antisemitic, &c: 1) State the truth. 2) State the quote. Do not editorialise or add to it. 3) Restate the truth.
"Journalists simply can’t allow themselves to be megaphones or stenographers. They have to be dedicated truth-tellers, using clear language, plenty of context and thoughtful framing to get that truth across." ~Margaret Sullivan, journalist #journalism #News
And then you get people reporting on the reports as evidence of it being sourced.
They're happy as long as they have content.
NBC is Trump’s network. They look complicit in this. All NBC did was amplify Musk’s horrible propaganda.
I was appalled when I saw a publication I often read that published the new audio and video calls without numbers, and not mention once how it will likely be used for harassment and stalking.
Hi back. I’m fair to middlin’. You?