
"there is a whole basket of options, projects and responses that could be progressed that would dramatically improve the outlook ... improving things on the customer side of the electricity meter, such as rooftop solar, home batteries or energy efficiency upgrades." -
Scaremongering won’t keep Australia’s lights on. Picking up the pace of energy transition will | Dylan More than a decade of policy inadequacy has led to projected short-term electricity shortfalls. But that doesn’t mean blackouts are imminent or unavoidable
Instead of encouraging more home solar as the report suggests, we have pushes to fine/penalise homeowners for daring to export clean electricity to the grid. 😖 This insanity must end & now.
The Victorian Government energy incentives for households should cover the whole of Victoria. There was an energy efficient window installation option and they will not travel further west than just past Geelong. Not great for people who cannot afford double glazing in homes. This is inequitable.
The resi energy efficiency sector is dying in the consumer spending crunch while LibLab cashes up the carbon bombers. At least under Morrison nobody had to pretend we weren't fkd.