Tom Quinn

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Tom Quinn

Getting the gang back together where the skies are blue.

#climate #economy #internationalrelations

MD of Springmount Advisory

Posting from Dja Dja Wurrung Country
The utter barbarity. New atrocities by the IDF every single day. "At least 60 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, health officials have said, including in an attack on a school sheltering displaced people and another on an Israeli-designated “humanitarian zone”"
Dozens killed in Israeli airstrikes across Gaza Targets include ‘humanitarian zone’ and school harbouring displaced people, where IDF says there were Hamas fighters
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“In any other country, we would recognize Cannon’s actions—dismissing a major criminal case against a presidential candidate on the first day of his party’s convention—to be part of an ongoing constitutional coup.” Michael Podhorzer
Oops! … They Did it And they are not so innocent
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David Pope in Canberra Times
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
Yet again why we HAVE to focus on social justice in regards to climate change. The people who suffer the most will be the people least responsible. There is no climate fight without climate justice.
If you ever wonder why people in certain neighborhoods in your city are always congregating outside on the sidewalks during the summer maybe you should consider how privileged you are to ask that question. (I am not talking about me. I am very lucky to have air conditioning in other rooms.)
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
"Developers of giant batteries designed to smooth Australia’s shift from coal to cleaner power are attracting unprecedented global financing deals to start installing even bigger systems across the country."
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Fire is an essential, natural process that has shaped the world’s landscapes for millions of years -- but extreme wildfires are becoming more frequent, severe, and extensive thanks to human-caused climate change. We've just updated this explainer on climate and fire. Check it out to learn more --
Yes, Climate Change is Raising the Risks—and Stakes—of Extreme Rising temperatures, parched forests, and shifting precipitation patterns are fueling severe wildfires with unprecedented impacts. There is still time to act.
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“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
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Just sitting here thinking about how murdering protesters with cars was a thing that became common under that guy's watch and he cheered for it.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
"There's no place in America for political violence."
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
Good to see wind providing 34% of the evening power so far on this very cold and rainy day in Victoria. The wind is back! (Also, turn on your split system for heating tonight and turn off the gas heater)
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
This scene was from the company I train with in Gaza. Did you know that this scene was completely destroyed?
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I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
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BREAKING: The people saying political violence is never okay are unanimous in their agreement that we should continue sending 500lb bombs to Israel x
Political violence against rich white Americans is never But it's "complicated" when members of other groups are the victims
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
This is a part of the safe zone that israel told civilians to go to Israel today boombs it There is no a safe place in gaza Please world protect us from this genocide If you help me and you care about humanity Read my story in the link below #gaza #palestine
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
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all this talk about political violence being wrong while Israel bombs just don’t sit right. we need a complete reboot
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
some serious cases of The_Political_Strategiser going on right now. it's okay to just say "i am glad a presidential candidate wasn't assassinated" without whatabouting his own previous bullshit. let it go, leave the hypocricy policing for another day.
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We’re going to see US politicians put out more statements about Trump getting chipped by a piece of glass than 200,000 Palestinians being massacred.
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Oh Israel bombed Damascus just now- because of course
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Since I've been seeing folks talk around it but not post any articles, here's the Al-Jazeera article detailing Israel's massacre of at least 71 Palestinians and injury of several 100 while ostensibly targeting a Hamas commander today
‘Children in pieces’: Israeli raids on Gaza ‘safe zone’ kill 71, wound At least five Israeli air strikes target tents of displaced people near water desalination unit in the al-Mawasi camp.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Quinn
It is only after they murder 100 to 200 people that the American secretaries of state and defense phone their Israeli counterparts and implore them not to commit mass murder like it is comparable to reminding your son to turn off his bedroom light when he leaves the house
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/2 It’s also the vast militarization it’s going to require. We’re going to be an occupied nation. Detention of citizens and lawful residents is inevitable and in fact clearly intended. Large-scale violence against immigrants, suspected immigrants, and bystanders is inevitable and clearly intended.
This is how past Labor governments have responded to horrific acts of barbarity by close allies. Note Albo's mentor Tom Uren specifically calling the US "mass murderers". Worth noting too that the union movement like MUA opposed Vietnam just as they oppose Israel's war in Gaza.