
Agreed. It’s such a pain in the ass to find basic information or documentation that’s not a video now.
I think there's also a kind of vicious cycle that's been happening, which I noticed when I was looking up how to do stuff in Minecraft for my kids -- you can't *find* anything that's not a video. Because of how video is incentivized, both makers and Google et al direct people to it
hey guys welcome to my youtube channel, so you want to know the keyboard command to screencap an image on a mac, well that's something a lot of us like to do and it's very interesting to think about keyboards and how they interact with the computer display but first
This was so accurate that it gave me a panic attack
That crap drives my bonkers. I love certain genres of video but I miss the internet when there were so many sources of really good text content. Message boards & blogs & GameFAQs were great I'd get lost in things I didn't even have a special interest in. Video takes so much time with so much filler.
It's especially egregious when I need to do something that requires both hands like computer repair. With a text guide I can just glance at it while I follow step by step, but with video I keep having to pause, reverse back to catch what they said, etc.
I remember Apple used to have PDF manuals that came in printable and screen size versions that you could page through easily on a MacBook screen. That sort of thing makes more sense than ever with tablets being so common but I guess video is easier to monetize?
Video tutorials explaining how to code X kind of function are the best because you have to hastily scribble down a load of Python or whatever and still get it wrong; just a complete disconnect between the tech and use case.
I can absolutely see the utility of a video discussing a code example which is also available as text. This is not what we mostly get.
I'm convinced it all started with food blogs and their insistence on writing a minor biography before just getting to the damn recipe.
(And I see someone above made the same point)
Which was forced on them by SEO
There is no monocause but if there were it would be Google buying DoubleClick. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Advertising is the original sin of the Internet.
With recipes it’s sorta understandable in that the recipe itself is explicitly not copyright-able (and this is a good thing) so if you’re trying to creat a brand it’s all in the preamble. And at less then you can just control-down-arrow to get to the useful information. Video is just all bad.
*stares grimly at autocorrect* so it’s gonna be like that today?
And now I am reminded of how multiple people, back in the day, commented on how folk singers often had to have five minutes of explanation before they could sing a ninety second song.
OMG all the recipe links via Pinterest do this shit.
This is just the logical extension of the recipe web page Butter Chicken [ad] A favourite of many, using some popular ingredients. [ad] This is my grandmother's recipe [ad] but first a bit of history on Indo-British [ad] relations....
let me tell you about this awesome energy drink from my sponsor, which will improve your typing experience by 800% and has all the nutrients you need for screencaps
This feels like the natural extension of the "Let me tell you a story before getting to the recipe that you were looking to get" SEO shit.
That at least is only like 50% keep-them-on-the-page-longer-for-ads and 50% recipes themselves are not copywritable, only the surrounding text is
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This video could have been a skeet.
I also find myself screaming at the top of my lungs at these videos with some variation of "Just tell me what the fucking settings are already and keep your zen bullshit to yourself!!!"
It's gotta be part of some dumb "make your video on How To Turn A Doorknob" at least 2min long or the algorithm won't pay attention to it," right?
Spoken in THE most boring monotone voice ever
Thanks, I hate it. 😒😒😒😒😒