
"The Court’s curious and convoluted majority opinion turns the Constitution’s text and structure inside out and upside down, saying things that are flatly contradicted by the document’s unambiguous letter and obvious spirit.​"
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
This happens to all of them. They are diligent, honest, and analytical and find themselves in opposition to Republicans all the time. So they re-examine their beliefs, and figure that once in a while they have to say something good about Republicans. To appear objective. Result: unforced error.
that one in particular was 100% yale law tribal boosterism
Kavanaugh was his student, after all.
Neal Kaytal is worse. Yale Law educated, now Georgetown Law Professor. Former Solicitor General under Obama. Represented Nestlé and Cargill at SCOTUS in a lawsuit brought by former enslaved children, and Johnson & Johnson for selling talcum baby powder contaminated with carcinogens. Wrote this 👇
Opinion | Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch (Published 2017) We disagree on many things, but he has the right temperament and independence for the Supreme Court.
He also backed Kavanaugh. Hey, that's what "extremist centrists" do.
In character. After a romp in 2008, with 58-60 Senators, a massive win in the House just took an olive branch and beat his supporters with it. By asking Robert Gates to continue as Sec. of Defense. No Democrats were good enough to bomb other countries like a Republican.
His other acolyte, Neal Katyal was not undone by it. He batted for both Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.