Tom Whittington

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Tom Whittington

PhD student at OSU AEDE. I study AFOLU emissions reduction schemes and want to study energy. Mostly I used Twitter for politics and space and war stuff, I figure this will be much the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men, and less Carbon
my $0.02 is that there’s widespread fatalism on here about democrats’ ability to set media narratives but there is no faster way to shift the focus to trump also being old than for biden to say he’s too old for run and that it’s time for a younger generation to step forward
Avatar can I ask that serious trouble please cover the ways the legal system is capable of protecting juries witnesses and judges? Someone is gonna get killed. Seems like that *should* make a custodial sentence more likely but I confess I can’t directly connect those dots.
NEW: Michael Cohen's wife and children were doxed early this morning, their phone numbers and addresses posted to a site that has been used to target other figures involved in Trump prosecutions
Michael Cohen's family doxed after Trump guilty verdict in porn star hush money The latest doxing attempt fits into a pattern of threats against individuals who speak out against former President Donald Trump.
Hey energysky, I’m working on a research project and need to associate geographic data with nerc subregions—does anybody happen to have a file which associates county- or cbsa-level fips codes to a relevant nerc region? Even if it’s rough, this is a wheel I’d prefer to not reinvent!
Can someone help me energysky? This WSJ piece attacking EVs looks fishy, but I don't understand the various technical definitions (CAFE, MPGe) well enough to refute it. I'm in the process of arguing with my (generally reasonable) dad that emissions from EVs are not basically the same as hybrids.
Avatar continuing to inspire me twice-ish a week! He has the best guests!
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