
Folks we all are guilty of armchair QBing campaigns but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to assert that a statement about a SCOTUS ruling that does not talk about either the ruling or SCOTUS is not how to play this.
why is his comms team so fucking shit
Do they have one or do they just have an intern who says "It's OK the mainstream media will do our job for us" on command
You're not going to believe this, but one of Biden's leading comms people, national spokesperson Charles Lutvak, was hired on to the Biden campaign directly from being... Eric Adams' deputy press secretary:
Eric Adams’ communications office: Where are they now? Several members of the mayor’s press shop have left (or are leaving) for eye-catching new jobs over the last year.
I was scrolling through the job histories of a bunch of Biden's communications staffers - mostly people 5-10 years out of college who've been comms staffers for Congresspeople - and then hit on that absolute dogshit hire.