
Folks we all are guilty of armchair QBing campaigns but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to assert that a statement about a SCOTUS ruling that does not talk about either the ruling or SCOTUS is not how to play this.
"We don't have to explain what happened, we can let the media do it, using whatever narrative they decide to go with!" Boy I dunno.
The same media apparatus that's spent the last 96 hours calling him the Cryptkeeper and to roll over and die, they'll definitely get this one right.
why is his comms team so fucking shit
Do they have one or do they just have an intern who says "It's OK the mainstream media will do our job for us" on command
You're not going to believe this, but one of Biden's leading comms people, national spokesperson Charles Lutvak, was hired on to the Biden campaign directly from being... Eric Adams' deputy press secretary:
Eric Adams’ communications office: Where are they now? Several members of the mayor’s press shop have left (or are leaving) for eye-catching new jobs over the last year.
I was scrolling through the job histories of a bunch of Biden's communications staffers - mostly people 5-10 years out of college who've been comms staffers for Congresspeople - and then hit on that absolute dogshit hire.
robby mook is still getting paid in the dem consultant world you do not move up by being good, you move up by telling the boss what he wants to hear
fun fact: the guy behind the dukakis tank stunt? matt bennett. instead of being thrown to the wolves forever, actually moved significantly UP in the dem consultant/strategist world over the years, being a big member in Third Way and more
was in clinton's administration both times, worked on wesley clark's campaign, literally a co-founder of third way in 2005. his massive failure, just like robby mook's with HRC, did absolutely nothing to slow him down, because the bosses liked him
and it always stands out to me that of all the people HRC blames - bernie, voters, even just 'women' recently - absolutely no venom has ever been spit at her dogshit staff who just kissed her ass instead of being serious about winning.
at least Lis Smith has the clear malice of 'i will do everything to crush your enemies' to explain her still being a regular in the dem consultant/strategist circle, everybody else has 'this guy fucking sucks but they smile at my shitty jokes, good enough for me'
she didn't even order Robby mook to commit seppuku. pathetic.
I can only assume you get promoted in that world through ass-kissing and networking, because they’re clearly not considering competence at any point in the process.
They're so scared to lose voters.
Because it's a party led by cretins that would be more upset that you called it a "fucking genocide," than by the genocide itself. Decorum first, everything else second. Hall monitors of a burning building.
They are playing "how do we win the election" The rest of us our playing "How do i survive."
Is this even "how do we win the election"? Seems like you'd want to make a bigger deal out of this if you wanted to win, especially as it goes directly to the heart of their "democracy is on the ballot" campaign.
SCOTUs handed him a loaded gun that was, four years ago, used to try and shoot voting to death, and he's talking about voting harder. Fucking idiot liberals not realizing that the game is fucking different now. Its been different since the Garland blockade but like, holy mother of christ
I didn't understand it until recently, but if we're being serious, I think the game drastically changed as far back as 2000 when SCOTUS weighed in to tip an election to the GOP loser.
At this point we need to erect a huge neon sign across from the White House that lights up every time they issue a statement like this and says "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT"
The original title of my book! Damn you, marketing people.
Yes, but “Chaotic Neutral” is proper nerdbait, so I can’t help but approve.
"Hell of a Drug: The History of Metal" had it's marketing material printed already, you can't reprint stuff
Jesus christ. This is less than nothing.
Whyyyyyy can’t they understand that they have the coms necessary to reframe the conversation entirely Part of the incumbent advantage is access to the bully pulpit and it baffles me that they keep refusing to use it
I've definitely seen randos on both Bluesky and the other place who have made more concise and compelling arguments for voting for Biden. It's astounding the people getting paid to convince me are so garbage at it.
He could now because of this ruling, with a single executive order, replace the entire illegitimate supreme court and yet this is his response.
“Trump snapped after he lost” Yeah, totally normal guy before that.
For years Republicans appealed to voters by attacking the SC and promising to appoint judges that would read the law correctly. This is what Dems should be doing. “We believe no one is above the law and will rein in this out of control activist court that does not respect our democracy.”
Biden is absolutely useless. He's not going to lift a finger, he's just going to use this as more fodder for the "vote for us, we're not republican" strategy, which is Going Badly tbh
They’ve ceded power; they aren’t interested in contesting it. I can’t explain it other than laziness or cowardice.
I know it’s very tech bro twitter incel to call people NPCs, but Biden Administration tactics remind me of when I play strategy games and set my cpu opponents to “novice”, and they just fart around doing the most basic simulation of playing the game while I very obviously tool up to murder them.
"He thinks he is above the law" And SCOTUS just affirmed that he is, in fact, above the law. That they dont even mention that in this statement speaks volumes
The only time the Biden administration gets vigorous and bold is when they are running interference for Israel and helping with the genocide. They will do nothing about the SCOTUS ruling. Nothing.
BREAKING: the president will not materially rebuke the ruling that gives the president god-like powers.
"Trump thinks he's above the law. And he's now correct! Well, see ya"
this falls very short of the mark but it does have more teeth than anything else I’ve seen but c’mom guys. get your fucking heads in the game. they still think it’s 1996 or something
They have been cowards every single day so far. Why would you expect them not to be cowards today?
Because they know they aren't doing a thing about this court