
Furries who AREN'T rich or in tech fields, sound off! I'm a full time furry artist! I have to work way too hard for basic luxuries, can't survive without roommates, and sometimes struggle to make ends meet, but this job is the only one that's given me enough time to exercise and cook great meals
Furries who AREN'T rich or in tech fields sound off I’m a shipping and supply planner for a big medical company! Mostly that means I put three screws in a bag, put that bag in a box and shit it overnight to FL😂 I make ends meet, and been worse off, but any purchase over like 400 requires planning
Talking to a Barista here who between rent and bills, that's sometimes about all I can afford to do. So I knit at night streaming stuff on my Roku. I manage to get to two cons a year because they are about 20 minutes away from where I live. Yeah, it's a struggle, but California is fing expensive
I wish I wasn't in tech after nearly fifteen years of the same old shit. 😅
how do you hold a job that cushy for that long and still find something to complain about =o
I know I shouldn't and my heart tells me I should be incredibly grateful. Especially with how fecked the job market is right now. A big part of why i've stuck there for so long is because nothing else is so absurdly imbalanced in salary as tech for the required skill and effort.
I'm a broke ass furry. My main income is VA disability. Over the last decade I've worked in food service and janitorial. Most recently I had a part time gig as cook and barback at a neighborhood dive. I just left it Saturday night because the owner was being an enormous dick. Looking for another gig
Making art is great! I myself have gotten myself stuck into upholstery
I mean if access control hardware is considered tech.... Definitely not rich though xD
Pm monotonous retail and office jobs for most of my life, unfortunately none of which have opened a career path to live on your own and do stuff
i live on disability so i am SO POOR xD
I work in a dormitory-like job at a trade school. The students are super stressful, but the job is rewarding.