
Normally Frida’s school features five different dogs, but this month she’s the sole focus and it’s cracking me up. This dog is pretty much the only thing keeping me going.
My thoughts have been in very dark places lately and the thing that pulls me back from the precipice is knowing I have to take care of her.
You get sympathy, J-M. Here is a picture of the Internet Hoax Cat, the first internet hoax I ever fell for. There was a whole backstory about how the cat was found as a stray kitten near Hanford, etc., that seemed more plausible at the time! Gullible internet strangers wish you well!
Frida & the rest of us are glad you’re here. 🫂
This guy saved me about 10 years ago. You bet he gets his own lounger
Frida! Also hang in there, it gets better
I used to make homemade food for my dogs as a mandatory activity for myself. Other food would make them feel bad, and it was too silly and embarrassing to explain to anyone else how to do it
I can tell you only that whenever I read your posts I sigh relief that there’s another sane person out there. Sorry it’s been such a challenge lately, I definitely get that.