Jean-Michel Connard

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Jean-Michel Connard

The endless search for clout continues.
Normally Frida’s school features five different dogs, but this month she’s the sole focus and it’s cracking me up. This dog is pretty much the only thing keeping me going.
Something I am struggling with: cruelty, in all its forms, appeals to a whole hell of a lot of people. There’s not much to the GOP apart from vulgar cruelty and still they’re viable basically everywhere. No hope, no message, no answers… just stepping on vulnerable people for the thrill of it.
Poster’s dilemma: logging on makes you miserable, but so does not logging on and being trapped in your own head with your thoughts.
Me finding out that not only has my former manager who lied to me about layoffs been laid off himself, but so has his boss who laid me off and was an absolute penis about it.
I took a trial lesson with a Spanish teacher the other day, and I hadn’t had a chance to schedule more classes yet. She wrote me a message asking for advice on learning programming, but she opened by saying I must’ve found a better teacher. I think she was joking, but I feel like an asshole.
Lotta dog stories in politics: the politician who tied one to the roof of his car (Romney), the politician who shot one (Noem), the politician’s son who tortured one to death (Huckabee), the politician who ate one (Kennedy), and the pundit who wants to legalize having sex with them (Uygur).
Twitter is an app for women to crowdsource men explaining their own jokes to them.
I decided to stop taking medication the other day, but wait! It’s not as nuts as it sounds. I’m only on one medication for depression, and honestly it’s of no help to me. I’ve been talking to my doctor about discontinuing for awhile. The other meds are different, but I promise there’s logic there.
Brb popping a quarter into one of those vibrating Motel 6 beds and talking about cheating on my wife before she committed suicide.
You think you're having a bad week? Imagine being RFK today.
Maybe I picked a bad time to stop taking all my medication.
I spend a lot of time trying to be nice but man this week is testing me. I’ve come so close to cutting ties with people I’ve known and loved for years and years. I need to chillll. I keep writing and deleting the meanest shit. It sucks.
One of the best adjustments I've made in life is no longer loaning money to people. I used to do it a TON in my youth, and it was really sad how often people ended up resenting me over their guilt about owing me money. What I do now instead is just give people money. No expectations, no conditions.
I don’t ever want to be someone who takes delight in the misfortune of others, but I just saw that my former manager who lied to me about coming layoffs was laid off himself. So you know. There are some complex feelings there.
Something a moot said got me thinking about forgiveness. If we want to be kind and compassionate people, which I hope we all do, part of that requires forgiving ourselves for our fuck ups. You can’t be kind to others if you’re not kind to yourself.
Despite the many more important things going on in the world, it’s kinda wild that we’ve all accepted that 70% of the calls we get are spam.
I spent all week writing code, so how am I decompressing? Watching videos on how to write better code.
I was looking for games I get with Game Pass and saw Crusader Kings 3 was included. I looked at a guide for getting started and holy shit that sounds like work. Back to jumping on turtles.
Frida graduated agility today. Did the whole course off lead. Now she can go to the advanced course. This dog is much smarter than I am.
I have an opportunity to go to Taiwan in October and all I can think of is how I need to lose so much weight first. I hate that my brain is like this.
Very over people hiding behind their religion to defend being poisonous little bigots. "It's my sincerely held religious belief." I don't give a shit!
Good news. The most mediocre meme of our time is now dead.
In 6-3 ruling, SCOTUS rules hunting homeless for sport does not violate constitution.
Hearing people talk politics is generally a recipe for depression, but there’s a special misery in hearing otherwise sane sounding people be utterly deranged about immigration and immigrants.
Tonight Frida learned how to wave.
Made a therapist appointment, but she’s on vacation until July 14th, so we will be white knuckling it until then.
“I’m no fan of Alex Jones but” *blocks*
Frida has walked up to me twice in the last hour, huffed and walked away.