
How do I have so many mutuals with someone who would call Avon books "lady wank material"?
*does my already blocked them dance*
That's because you're the smart one. LOL
That block button is my closest friend.
She’s in the comments literally saying “I hate romance readers” 😬 What a cliché red flag.
The part I really hate is that Sandra Hill is garbage! If these were comments specific to her books, whatever! But ugh. UGH.
I just now realized that my brain was confusing Sandra Hill and Lynsay Sands and I was like…I feel like I read her books and they weren’t THAT bad…? That’s because it was a different writer altogether. Lol 😂
Yeah, Hill's books are BURNING GARBAGE. Like, in a terrible, racist way.
It felt like I would have remembered that so I am relieved to know I did not somehow memory hole that. I haaaaaate time travel books so that’s probably why lol
1000%. It totally misses the nuance of in-genre criticism in favor of “not like other girls” and leads us straight into a fresh hell round of “don’t make me defend that person”
And she's specifically going after books that were published about a decade ago? I mean, if you're going to moan about your (presumably recent) rejections, they're not because of a 2016 Sandra Hill book.
Also, I've always found the horror types who deplore romance and are jealous of the sales numbers to be absolutely goofy. "Even if you eliminated romance from the universe, those readers would not all transfer their reading time to horror, Gladys. That's not how preferences work."
And certainly, you are not being rejected because of a book by someone who was first published in 1994 and has built enough readership since then to keep getting contracts.
Right? It's just a very weird person to focus on.
I am currently reading the last (available) book from the Thursday Next series (Jasper Fforde) and lady, books like THAT are your competition. Granted, he's also got a deep backlist and sales under his belt, but you gotta be as good or better than that to debut in spec fic, sorry not sorry.
I'm especially fond of that sort of accusation because a) blatantly, obviously untrue but also b) so what if it was? Ladies deserve to wank, and man wank material is a multi-billion dollar industry
I am definitely not here for people to get judgy about wanking. And that is ALL that ever is.
Or that said they "hate romance readers"
Ah, yes. Another author mad at publishers for not producing her masterful works of art, so she degrades authors who *are* published in a weird pick-me move that brings all the other hateful shits to her yard to bobblehead in agreement that romance is "gross" and not art. (It is art!!!)
Thank you for this information. Blocked everyone on that cursed thread.
You really have to be dead inside to hate Chuck Tingle.
I have not blocked yet and actually went to the trouble of reskeeting because I *hope* those of my mutuals who are following her will UNDO.
I was following😬 (no idea why—probably in my earliest Bluesky days), but no longer. Unfollowed and blocked. No time for that nonsense!
I think she blocked you? So no one can see who it is in order to unfollow. Can you DM me who it is?
I replied to my own post for that very purpose:
FTR, this poster referred unironically to Avon books as "lady wank material." She's already blocked me so you can no longer see the post, but you can still do what you do, #Romancelandia, and block her preemptively:
Thank you. I Janet encountered this person before and yikes.
Oh, no. I sincerely hope I am not following that person! I don't need that energy in my life.