
What most people miss, and it's because most people are pretty ignorant of human history as a whole, is that.... no, killing doesn't make you the bad guy. Killing another human sucks, killing sucks. It's the worst thing we can do, take away someone's literal existence. It should be treated with
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
the terrible awful respect such an act demands. But no, it doesn't make one the villain or 'as bad as them' What does, is when we use evil's methodologies; genocide, oppression, hate, punishing an entire group/family, terror, etc. This is too nuanced for many people, sadly.
there are no winners when non-consensual violence is employed - particularly deadly force. you're just trying to lose as little as possible
It's even weirder when you consider how many henchmen are casually killed off.