
Pro Tip: Most paper publications live and die by advertiser dollars, NOT subs. The PAID subscription numbers drive ad prices. Clicks are nice and once drove prices, but since they can be schemed, paid subs are king. Boycott their advertisers, cancel your subscription.
So, I've been spitballing this idea. What if us plebs with a platform or talking to each other started that war? NYT is not as deep pocketed as Murdoch, and I presume one goal here is to regain the clicks and dollars they got with Trump
Also I should've used the word 'gamed' not 'schemed' but I'm high as balls.
Avatar So, I looked for Sleeping Giants (the successful Fox ad boycotters) and it seems like their account is abandoned since last year. Know of anyone else doing/did that sort of work? I just don't have the experience and think un useful to try to reinvent the wheel.
I don't, off the top of my head. Sorry.
No worries, I'm just scattershotting at the moment. I have people and places I can ask.
If memory serves the two main folks running Sleeping Giants had a falling-out and then the campaign kinda fell apart
aw hell. So often the way with a mom and pop shop, I know. Argh though.
As someone who's been involved in the print media since the mid '90s, I can confirm this is true. I cancelled both my NYT and Guardian subs. I won't be renewing unless and until they stop platforming transphobia (amongst other things).
*nods* Though if you are an annual paid subscriber who prepaid, try for a refund. They will generally ask you to donate the papers to school and shit. This is so you can stay on the books as a 'paid subscriber' as that's a list if they gamed it, would be megalawsuits and huge losses, so they do
not LIE per se, but game it with shit like 'subscribe for a dollar a month!' Paid annuals are *huge* for them, in getting ad bucks.
I canceled WaPo, still haven't pulled the trigger on Guardian but can understand reasoning.
I read it online, but I used to voluntarily support them with a sub and I refuse to do that now.
Can attest to the truth of these statements.