
New single-question cPTSD screening tool just dropped
This might have something to do with it? From a quick google search on "risk factors for suicide".
There's still a difference between wanting to end yourself and not wanting to exist
The point of non-existence for a human, is literally death. So if non-existence is where you want to be...can you see why people (myself included) freak the fuck out when you say that?
It's more of like a popping out of existence kinda thing. Here one moment, gone the next. Even better if every trace of my existence and any memory people might have of me disappeared as well. I don't know how my brain comes up with this stuff, but it's a steady stream in my mind.
This reminds me of a quip from Douglas Adams. Something along the lines of Vogon poetry being so awful that hearing it made you wish that you were never born "or if you were a clearer thinker, that the Vogon had never been born".
Douglas Adams complimenting me on not wanting to exist from beyond the grave. He gets me 💜
Sorry, I'm with your therapist on this one. It flags nothing in my brain apart from "potential suicide risk".
Jokes on you. I don't have a therapist. I've been putting off making an appointment for months. That's the fun thing about struggling with task initiation. No therapist. No suicide. Just existential dread.
I'm not someone who puts a great deal of faith in them, by and large. They are wickedly expensive and are probably about as effective as journalling tbh? I AM a big advocate of journaling though. And exercise, nutrition, drinking enough water yada yada.
More tasks for the girl who can't initiate tasks *Crawls back under the covers*
Although I am compulsive about keeping a journal, you don't have to do it every day. I would start by doing it when your thoughts and feelings are racing. When your adrenalin is up.