Evil Count Erudite

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Evil Count Erudite


He/Him. Middle-aged white neurodivergent cishet Canadian male. Highly educated but forever lowering the bar.

"Opinions are like orgasms: everyone has them, but mine actually matter."
As a kid, I loved shows like Unsolved Mysteries for the spooky thrills the supernatural segments offered. As an adult, it's hard not to connect the public's lack of media literacy in part with the horrendously skewed way these stories are reported to give full-on batshittery an air of credibility.
Dear politicians: If you want us to give you more power, show us what you would do with it. Try to pass laws that would make positive change. Who cares if it will never pass? Let us see you try, and see who stops you. That is how you get passionate voters.
The winner of the debate should be humanely euthanized. Loser should be shot.
Attention George Lucas: This does not--repeat DOES NOT--apply to you. I've picked lint from my navel that has better narrative judgement than you.
One of the reasons I think fiction writers should consider their own tastes first and audiences second is because your own taste is actually a pretty good proxy for audience taste. Maybe not always mass appeal, but none of us are so idiosyncratic that nobody but us will like what we write
People underestimate the spiritual power of responding to an asshole with instant and maximum rage, cutting them off before they can even finish with a bellowing full-chested SHUTTHEFUCKUP. No lead time, just instant rage cranked up to 11.
Here’s a miracle solution: stop fuckin doing it
Hey, my book The Other Place is free on Kindle today! It’s a story of a neurodivergent character (written by a ND author!!) trying to make it as an artist, & figure out his love life, while navigating the Shit™️ life throws at ND people. Check it out! Nothing to lose! www.amazon.com/Other-Place-...
ChatGPT already has “Ph.D.-level intelligence,” in that once you remove it from its extremely narrow field of expertise (assembling words into credible-sounding passages) it is wildly out of its depth, but people vastly overestimate its authority because they don’t understand what “intelligence” is.
We got a sequel; it was the Trump presidency. Disinterested students sleeping through a class on economics while the protagonist, whom we are supposed to admire, dances like an idiot to the I Dream of Jeanie theme at home... I love the movie, but it's impossible not to see the connection
I’ve always been amazed there wasn’t a straight-up sequel because it’s right there on a plate: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Work. We have Ferris as a banker, Cameron is a quant, and Sloane is an ad exec. “Why don’t we have fun anymore?” Etc.
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
The fun part about purely reasonable people is that from the right angle you can get them to reason themselves into anything. Unfortunately, that kind of manipulation is rarely executed with good intentions.
a ruthless predator, alligators will sometimes use jazz hands to lure musical theatre people to their deaths
please sign my petition to post the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition on the wall of every Louisiana classroom
you are relaxed and sitting sitting helps you focus focus on these words these words help you relax you relax in a familiar place the familiar place has stairs the stairs lead to a door the door feels calm feeling calm makes you open you open the door you get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur
Don't mind me just normalizing problematic stuff by depicting it in fiction. Because I'm evil.
New single-question cPTSD screening tool just dropped
This. I can't have the job I should have because the company is run by morons who claim to write things themselves but obviously use AI. But they still expect me to put my name on some of it, so I have to choose between rewriting for free or looking incompetent.
The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
i just want zoomers to know that computers were actually useful once. before the iphone/ipad/android/chromebook, computers ran software that was just like a program that did what it was supposed to do. also the internet used to have a lot of cool stuff on it that didn't give you an anxiety disorder
Just make Flamin’ Hot Advil. Nothing fucking matters.
FRIEND: when you said you were ‘struggling with having a man’s body’ i thought you meant dysphoria stuff ME *hauling trash bags*: Did you bring the fucking lye or not
Going to die furious about this
Today, I’m thinking about how *often* we have to bite our tongues because authors aren’t legally allowed to form a union but the fucking landlords are like “hey, you know what would be great? If all of us raised our prices in unison. That would be great.”
thing is there's actually good uses for it! Just one example: there are NGOs using AI to tabulate satellite data on elephant herds and this helps them ID and prevent poaching. There's another that is using similar sat data tabulation to track coral reef recession. The llm bros are cocking it all up
I have also grown convinced that our modern conception of AI is evil because, as I look back in history, I notice that a great many of the horrific events and practices of the modern world came about because of evil attempts to reduce humans to machines.
Stating once more for the gd record that moving forward, cats and dogs will not appear on-page in my published stuff without it being made perfectly clear that they are FINE Mostly because I’m just real bored of the thing where as soon as they show up in most horror, you know they’re doomed
Animal abuse/murder isn’t a trauma thing for me and it’s also not necessarily a deal-breaker but I REALLY like to know if it’s in something so I can make an informed decision about it, because it can absolutely kinda ruin my day (Never going to forgive The Collector for a specific scene)
Only someone as awesome as Al Leong would be okay with this and that is why I love him.
Al 'no one out henches this henchman' Leongs wedding invite. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Leong
Feel like this needs to be said this morning. Short fiction is not dead. We pay 12 cents/word for stories and that will increase as our subscriber base increases. Want better pay for short story authors? Subscribe to magazines. Want better pay for magazine staff? Subscribe to magazines. Simple
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Achieving this level of misplaced confidence without a drink deserves a weird form of admiration.
had enough of tech dorks who think their social misfitness will be solved if they simply get the right upgrade chip & convince everyone else to install it too