
I still can't believe that people think not wanting to vote for someone who has been involved with committing crimes against humanity throughout his entire career is just being a single-issue voter. Do they not realize that there are A LOT of issues involved in destroying so many lives?
The guy has been involved in killing women, children, BIPOC, queer people, etc... Name a group of people, and he's likely helped kill some of them. He's helped destroy entire nations. He's helped accelerate climate change. None of the "good" comes close to eclipsing the bad.
When you look at the overall effect Joe fucking Biden has had on the world, it's a huge net negative. He's never deserved any praise, adoration, or votes. He deserves to be tried and face the consequences of his life of crime. This isn't a single-issue stance. It's everything you can think of.
The problem with most humans is their myopia. It’s encouraged through social media, but it’s part of most people’s construction of the world: what’s going on right now. They don’t know and they certainly don’t care about the elitist and racist Joe Biden of yesteryear. It’s discouraging.
It’s like when people talk dreamy about Dave Grohl and I have to pipe up and say, “oh you mean the aids denialist guy?” And suddenly I’m the devil because I’m not lauding his music or charming personality. And I’m like,”well fuck me then for having access to the internet and a set of morals” 🙄
Ya, that kind of loyalty to a complete stranger is baffling to me, and even moreso when it's a politician.
‘zackly. This cult of personality bullshit running politics since 2000 is tiresome and needs to be put to bed. It’s not even baffling anymore like it was in 2008 and Obamanites were having their kool aid party and thinking racism in America had finally been “solved”. Centrists need a swift asskick.
People who say "separate the art from the artist" are really upsetting to me Have some principles, maybe
“I mean Roman Polanski was a great filmmaker but yeah… that Epstein guy? Real creepy pedo.”
I’m confused by your use of “yesteryear.” He’s committing the genocide of Palestinian people *right now.*
Absolutely! Racist Joe Biden is still the same racist goon he always was but with an extra couple of coats of varnish to hide the sin beneath.